Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Well students are back soon so they can sell their £5 tickets again.

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Hope Bernardo really leaves.

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Mrs CDO was at yesterday’s game. They were told before hand that they could take a 250mm empty plastic bottle into the ground and get them filled. When she got insidevand asked for a top up nobody had a clue. They had run out of bottled water and only had warm cans.

Luckily, we’d taken our cooler box with water and ice blocks in so they (Mrs C, our Grandson Frankie, my mate Bobby and his grandson) were all hydrated before thry went in. While they were at the game I nipped to Aldi ang replenned the water and got some cans and fruit shoots plus a bag of ice.

Mrs C bought me a cornetto on her way back to the car so we were well sorted. :+1::nerd_face:


Good on ya Mrs CDO…


Mrs C bought me a cornetto on her way back to the car so we were well sorted. :+1::nerd_face:

Was it just one cornetto… and did you say give it to meeee :0)

Will get me coat :0)

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What a horrible cunt, can’t believe City played him for 9 months knowing all this.


Morally bankrupt club and owners.


The Mendy stuff is horrible, but from an employment perspective I’m not sure what’s what. On the one hand, when the allegations surfaced, and the legal jeopardy started to build, some would say there should have been something in the contract to terminate his employment. I suspect if there was, he would have been.

So that leads me to think that the default setting, from an employment perspective, is innocent until proven guilty. If the charges stick, not only will he lose his job but he will also lose his freedom.

But we’ve been in this land between, so Mendy hasn’t played, but he has probably been paid, at least his basic contract (which will be millions, so it is galling).

I’m sure this sordid story will soon come to a conclusion and the pieces will fall where they may.

In the meantime, one suspects, with the uptick in serious allegations against professional footballers, that employment contracts will be beefed up for various provisions and sanctions in the event of x, y, z.


While I might take the piss on United and their fans , the club acted decisively when the allegations against Greenwood were made public… As opposed to City who knew about the allegations and still let him play.

Despicable cunt team.


And I am going to use this as a stick to bash City around with. And while City might have needed to pay Mendy his salary , they need not have had him play the matches after allegations were made known.


If they played him, knowing what was coming down the line then shame on them.
Fuck them. Morally corrupt cunts


It would be impossible for city to not know the extent of Mendy and his allegations.

Just a simple call from the executives at City would have probably been enough to suffice as to the nature of the allegations.

It’s undeniable. They knew about the allegations and still let him play as opposed to cutting their ties(as much as contractually possible which is what United and Everton did)


What a vile piece of shit.

Sorry for my bad language but it has to be said.


To play Devil’s advocate here, I’m not sure how City could banish him from the squad and not de facto identify him as the source of the allegations.

So what. A risk of identification doesn’t stop employers in similar circumstances.

What ever we think about the regimes in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, and UEA let’s not degenerate into racism and xenophobia please.

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I don’t know quite how it works with Mendy, who seems to have never been anonymous, but in a lot of high profile cases we do need to be careful that identifying the perpetrator doesn’t collapse the criminal process.

Here on TAN or in the media, sure. His employer taking a principled position (cheaty!? Ha) which may indirectly lead to insinuations that he may be the alleged perpetrator? No, absolutely don’t think so.

Greenwood was helped by the fact it was so public. Yet I don’t think Everton played their guy mind.

That’s very mild by TAN standards, Livvy! :joy: