Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Nah, I believe him - I am surprised how long he has lasted, and it is pretty clear from players like Sterling that his style is wearing thin with some of the team.

Just spoke to the thick cunts, they don’t want him.


No surprises that Rodri ended up with no yellow yesterday, despite a cynical take one for the team challenge on Saint-Maximin in full flow in the first half, that for us would be an instant yellow and your card marked for the rest of the game.

That meant he could keep doing those niggling challenges in the second half, and just wait for the Barcodes to tire.

The sad thing is that the above comment can be repeated in most $hitty matches.


I thought Liam Gallagher’s tweet was funny. He knows everyone has said that about Man City for ages, so he took the opportunity to say it about Newcastle after Trippier stayed on.

The tactical fouling thing is a good point, above, and Rodri kept at it, unchecked. It took the wind out of St Maximin’s sails and in the last 15 he was dead on his feet, after being fouled all game long. Arguably if he hadn’t been, he’d have been fresh enough to score or create the winner for Newcastle.

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Surely that Tweet is a pisstake?


What you meant to say :grin:

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Also, his past record is only 3-4 seasons before moving on as his demands create such a drain on players they get fed up with him and he ain’t a manager to stay through a rebuild.

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Yeah I can see this being his last, also a national job May show up.

He will go for the CL but he does every year.

His nation isn’t even recognised by anyone - doubt he’d manage Spain as that would be a massive own goal surely?

He’ll turn up to take PSG to the CL they yearn for is my shout.

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I was thinking perhaps another nation but who knows, maybe he will take a year out.

Qatar or UAE maybe?

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Fixed :+1:

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Colombia or Bolivia perhaps? :wink:

Already conceded 5 goals and they were behind 0-3 and 0-2.

Not sure what to expect from Alvarez but other than that they seem to be a bit light in attacking midfield and attack.

KdB, Foden, GĂźndogan, Silva, Grealish, Mahrez, Haaland and Alvarez - 8 players for 5 attacking positions.

With Grealish injured today they had just GĂźndogan and Alvarez as attacking game changers.

Fixture list doesn’t seem to be as easy as last season for them.

Villa and Sevilla away and than against Spurs.

Against Dortmund and then Wolves away.

Against ManU right after the international break.

If two of the above mentioned players are injured they might already struggle.


The biggest positive is it looked like a very comfortable August where most would have probably expected them to stroll to maximum points.

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Amazing Haaland stat

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But they never are, are they? I’m in awe of De Bruyne, for example, he’s a magnificent player - and every time I watch him play, I can’t help but think “if he was our player, he’d spend half his career on the treatment table, especially with his past issues”. They might be lucky and/or their medical department is the best there is.


Doping? Pep has form for it and they would wouldn’t they. Our club needs a black ops dept focused on taking down the cheaters by any means fair or foul.

There’s also the fact that referees allow our opponents to manhandle our players with impunity, yet if someone even breathes in the vicinity of a Man City player a foul is awarded.


He shouldn’t have been on the pitch for his goals yesterday. He put a head height tackle on a Palace player. The same a Sadio did and got red carded for. And there have been plenty similar ones since with no sendings off.
City should also have been 3-0 down. No way was that a foul on Ederson for the disallowed goal.:rage::nerd_face: