Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

ridiculous the third palace goal doesnt stand.

loved the city players all claiming hand ball on the first one, stunned disbelief…no where near anyones hand mind you, but…


Saw a clip of that and how the hell that was disallowed is beyond me.


The clue is in the name. Cheaty are cheating.


Strange that Palace players didn’t appeal. Like they were expecting a foul too. It never was

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It’s wild. It’s almost as if they know the rules and know it is an indirect free kick for any interference with the keeper trying to kick or throw the ball.

LAW 12:

An indirect free kick is awarded if a player: prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from the hands or kicks or attempts to kick the ball when the goalkeeper is in the process of releasing it

Ederson had already released the ball. It’s a subjective call. Look at Karius in the 2018 final.

The ref could’ve kept the whistle in his mouth and let VAR look at it rather than blowing before it rolled in, thereby preventing VAR getting involved. Many refs would’ve come to the Karius style conclusion that he had already released it.


You just made up a rule

Mad Looney Tunes GIF by MOODMAN

Whether or not there was interference is subjective. We’ve already lost two titles on the slimmest of margins, we should be raising hell behind scenes about this. Being noble and above it is one thing, getting taken for a fool is quite another.

Competing with the cheating sportwashing cunts is difficult enough without them getting favourable decisions.


Whatever the rule, Ederson had released the ball, thus rendering said rule inapplicable in that instance.

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This is the pertinent bit. The offence happened before Ederson even released it.

During the time the goalkeeper has control of the ball and is preparing to release it into active play, an opponent may not stand or move so close as to restrict the direction or distance of the goalkeeper’s release.

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He was not impeded when releasing the ball, so your contention is incorrect.

Its remarkable how you always see reason to the obvious cheating/bias that favours City and argue on their behalf.
I know you are a true Red, and that isn’t in question but in order to see equity you do miss some obvious things.

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Is it simply down to the fact he blew which he shouldn’t have done, VAR can’t intervene even if it’s obviously going in.

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The ref was wrong.


Oh I agree, at that point VAR can’t intervene it’s really simple, the ref fucked up.


I thought VAR could correct a clear and obvious error.

only when its a goal.

he blows before its in the net, ergo, no goal.

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oh come on GIF by funk

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It’s not gone in the net, hence even if a player is one on one with the keeper and slots it in but the ref has blown before that they can’t reverse that. It’s sort of an extra to the rule on offsides.

I remember in my youth and formative years, if something was complex and hard to understand you’d say " it’s like trying to explain offside to a woman". Now I really have no feckin idea what the rules of football are.
I can envisage a time soon when a player could draw a handgun on the field of play. Shoot an opponent and get away with it because the referee or linesman (insert your own linesperson, referee’s assistant here. I grew up with linesmen) has done something (blown a whistle, or raised a flag or not) and because of the convoluted rules there’s nothing to be done about it.
Please take me back to the days of being able to explain the offside rule (and others) without having a degree in football. :rage::nerd_face:

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