Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

He’s so good he has……

Pep Guardiola Reaction GIF


Haaland picked up a minor foot injury yesterday - likely to miss this weekend’s fixture against Leicester away.

Well that means must win game for us…

Joking, I’m not even looking at City or Arsenal after our results. 4th is my focus for now, then we’ll see eventually if we can get more.


I know there was a stat (probably one of a thousand plus) mentioned by the commentary team about our poor record at the City Ground. Sometimes, this happens for whatever reason.
The truth is that we controlled the Forest game but didn’t do enough to warrant walking out with 3 points, we got caught out and have to respect Forest for that.
Like everyone, I was annoyed at the result but some posters reactions was a bit ‘Arsenal TV’.
As mentioned by @mattyhurst we are just in a bad place. As frustrating as it is at present, we are not far off being where we need to be :+1:t2:


Still being verified for authentication, but I’d say it’s about spot on.


He comes across as a really bright young lad.

If being able to string 2 words together, then that would make me a genius

Wasn’t it Grealish couldn’t place Birmingham on a map of the UK (and wasn’t entirely sure if it was a map of the UK until Hendo confirmed)?


I’m starting to think he’s illiterate.

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Has he made a miraculous recovery?

I mean tbf to him the lady (seemingly aware of his low IQ) couldv’e at least spelt it out for him so that even he could understand without having to repeat herself…silly girl.

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Just want to say Grealish seems like a bit of a twat, and Man City definitely overpaid for a fella who is a sub, and doesn’t score or assist much.

So I’m not a fan, at all.

With that said, going after a fella for his obvious lack of intelligence seems a bit small.

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something else going on with him to be honest. Dyslexic or something

I am leaning in that direction to be honest. I don’t like him, and I think he is over priced and a product of the oil money super hype.

But the notion of football supporters belittling the intelligence of someone on a couple of hundred grand a week is puzzling to be honest.
Maybe, as suggested by @Noo_Noo there is a reason why he is unable to answer the questions.

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Not really. Shows why the world is fucked. People are more interested in giving a pass to a gormless lump who happens to be able to kick a ball passably well while being fleeced left right and centre for everything else, justifying deplorable regimes that are largely responsible for said fleecing with intelligent and coherent people who given the opportunity would probably advance the human cause immeasurably more than Grealish, getting by on a just about enough to survive in meaningless jobs that they despise.

He’s thick as two bricks.


Or perhaps he’s not being given a pass and may have a learning disability of some description. But because he excelled at football it was never investigated further or treated fully.

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His behavior in general appears to indicate otherwise. Learning disorders don’t excuse that so if he’s thick in that and appears to be thick in the way he comes across then chances are he’s just thick.

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But they can create personality traits that do develop into behaviours.

Nevertheless when I see someone struggling like that then my first questions are how? Why?

Either way I think it’s all probably holding him back a bit now.


No Haaland today. Come on Leicester.