Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Grealish went to the same school as me, although many years later. It is located in an affluent area (Solihull), however, has a varied catchment area.
Irrespective of that, some of the things he says are beyond dumb, at times it comes across as a parody.
My main issue with Grealish, was him taking the p**s out of a fellow professional. Whether it was meant as a joke or not, to me this is completely out of order and I feel it was wrong for the media to almost laugh it off. The Media/FA are very quick to ‘stand as one’ against the anonymous trolls online, yet when it is acted out in front of the cameras it is not an issue. Infact they spend more time investigating alleged comments, than ones with clear evidence.

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I was having a discussion with a friend the other day. Between the two of us we couldn’t account to meeting more than 10 Man City fans.
I work around the UK (mainly south) and yes you get a lot of London team supporters but apart from that its Liverpool or Utd.
It was amusing (to me anyhow) that the day after we beat City i was in a merchants down Portsmouth. The staff were talking about the game and this one lad said Fodens goal should have stood. His colleague then said that the foul on Salah should have been a red card. Neither of them could recall Silva’s name. Out of my impatience I said it was Silva, they responded by saying are you sure. The bloke behind me in the queue said it was definitely Silva and this was backed up by the bloke behind him.
The colleague (non-City) asked who I supported and I said Liverpool, who else. He then asked the two separate individuals and they both said Liverpool.
I know this does not prove anything but for there to be Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal fans where ever you go and not a City fan insight, then to me the commercial revenues of City are clearly distorted/false.


@redalways, I have noticed you have responded to my two posts with Emoji’s. Was curious to your thoughts :+1:t2:

International revenue is an increasingly big part of the pie. Total off the cuff numbers, but broadcast tends to provide about 2/3 of revenue for PL clubs, and more of that now comes from international markets than the UK market. I recently just had a get together with my old university team from the late 90s/early 2000s. With 3 exceptions these were Americans in their 40s, most with kids who they are trying to help get into the sport. Of those, about 50% of them were “city fans”. Of course they are not fans like anything you or I think of when we say fans, but this is what is representative of the foreign fan…the star fuckers and the people who just want to watch good teams score goals and win games. When Pep leaves and Arteta takes City through a period of a relative downturn most of these “city fans” will start supporting PSG of whomever else is cool at the time, but for now these people will be helping putting money in City’s pockets.

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In my life time I’ve known 5, one passed away in the 00s so witnessed none of this, who knows if he turned out like my Newcastle supporting friend or not.

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This has been the way since day one for $hitty, and will continue to do so until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - at that point, with all the real commercial deals that comes with success, they will start to boast about how they are so transparent with their sponsorships.

It’s like a mafia boss becoming a billionaire through ill-gotten gains, then at age 60 decides to mellow and go 100% legit. The past is swept away. History rewritten. All that’s left is the legitimate business practice, and then the knighthood, etc, will follow.


Agree entirely with your post about how City’s revenues are bogus, or at least the result of fraud.

Also completely agree about the FA and media being very hypocritical, and always favouring their darlings.

EDIT: Also, can’t really be arsed to post about these because nothing we do will ever change that. British media is rotten inside out. Leave out Murdoch, you still have the Rothermeres. The Russian oligarchs. No need to even start with the FA, or the soft government refusing to investigate the fraud.


Just read that Dolph is injured, so bad ,that he may miss the WC. I thought he was injured before the weekend game, and couldn’t understand why he was on the pitch. Just shows how much they think of their players…We(LFC) seem to look after our players until they are fully fit…yes he could’ve said put me on the pitch, but if he was that injured, he shouldn’t have been there.

Yep sorry his ‘Internationals’ are friendlies…NI and Finland…


If they want him and he wants the big money - they’ll get him. Simple as that.

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But …lets face it…we knew this weeks ago…peppys whispered in his shell like…

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And the trophies.

(It is illegitimate, based on the source of their funding, but Bellingham will win plenty of trophies there too. Sickening.)

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They should be called Bayernchester City. Bayern must be so miffed that Citoil are nicking their players? :nerd_face:

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Countries don’t go against Fifa because of how big and popular football is and one country acting alone is folly because they’d just get expelled, their fans would get in a tizz and everyone in other countries would laugh at them. However, if the government of every country said enough is enough and decided to step into their associations then FIFA is powerless because expelling every country effectively ends their governance.

If that happened it would open the door for a more effective governing body as well as more transparent and less corrupt associations. That said, it’s no guarantee that it would be more effective, transparent and less corrupt as let’s face it governments can be pretty useless and corrupt as well. I’m just saying that’s probably the only way of getting rid of FIFA and their lackeys in the contininetal governing bodies and individual associations. But again, getting all these countries together to do that is all but impossible. Many dont like each other, are at war etc etc and would do exactly the opposite of what the other wants even it meant spiting themselves.


I guess that the only way to get rid of corruption in the long run is to charge individuals and make a trial against them, like what happened for Blatter, Platini and a few other FIFA/UEFA reps. Infantino definitely deserves to be investigated for instance. But that applies also to most of the bosses of the continental and national associations imo. Corruption is everywhere, and it’s individuals who are corrupt.

So, the only way imo would be to have a flurry of judges starting a war against suspected corrupt individuals (whether they are FIFA employees or from another association), by investigating all their actions, and then judging them if/when something is found.

But as you say, there is no global political willingness to do that.


From a UK perspective I think that only really happens when a scandal arises and law firms see money making potential from a loss across lots of claimants.

Things like the VW emissions claim, personal injury or mis-sold ppi insurance.

City are sadly insulated from that.

The only other route I see is an insider spilling the beans. Just like Tyler Hamilton opening the gate on Armstrong but again they appear water tight on it.

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Is that some deep fake shit or something?!

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I think he just let a really stinky one go and he’s hoping no one will notice.

Speaking from experience at the gym the other day.

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