Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Can you provide more clarity on that “experience”?
Is it from you to someone or from someone to you? :thinking:

Dirty Welsh bastard…

It’s because of people like you I don`t go the the gym.

Honest :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope you wiped the seat down.

But seriously the guys on drugs.

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The only gym in the country that has started wearing face masks again :0)


“When that post dead lift fart is wet and lumpy!”

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My strategy is to tut, wrinkle my nose and look around accusingly.

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As we used to say at school: whoever smelt it, dealt it.


I don’t think farts can be selective? Surely it should be 'from you to everyone?

Unless you let one go in bed and it sneaks up on your partner? I may or may not be speaking from experience? :wink::nerd_face:

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Bugger me. Here we have an organisation selectively destroying an institution to make themselves look sparkly and clean and all you lot want to do is discuss my little mishap at the gym.

Been doing a bit more home cooking of late and i’ve just joined the gym in an effort to get into shape. Running isn’t doing it alone. Well the diet tweak combined with some fresh chilli’s had a bit if a windy reaction. Not a problem until this one crept up on me during a set of leg raises. No warning whatsoever and absolutely no chance stopping it. My reaction was to carry on but with added emphasis on the leg raises in a kind of wafty fashion combined with some extra effort on the breathing front, particularly exhaling in an effort to disperse things. I got a bit panicky when a bloke that was a good 5 foot wide walked past but I managed to hold my cool.

I have no experience of Pep farts but the blowing and eyes tell me all I need to know.

Isn’t that what is called a Dutch Oven…!
You know, when you pull the covers over yours and your partners head so not to waste the aroma :rofl:

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Bet he would fuck off after this season if they finally win the CL and extend his contract if not.

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So is Dolph fit or not…I don’t mean fit fit…I mean is he fit to play…(in my eyes he’s definitely not fit fit).

Who’s Dolph?



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Toney… oh heck…

Commentator just put the mockers on Brentford…

98th minute pen will help.

Shit bugger

Gordon bennett…get him skirtled…stand at the side of the pitch…staple him…glue him…and get on with the game…

And the head tape isn’t shitty blue!!..if we’re going to be nitpicking

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