Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

If it collapses their house of cards I’m not too bothered.

I’ll happily have the awarded titles I would only refer to them as numbers mind.

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Sympathy woudn’t even come into play. They stole 3 titles from us, their return to their rightful owner and an appropiate punishment of the perpetrator would see justice served and nothing more.

Fat chance of that happening though.



15 Jul 2008


In the cricket club at Burnley away

Sounds to me like the betting companies are dodgy and not the clubs who are sponsored by them. Obviously, Harris will see it differently because he hates us so much but if he bothered to do his research, he’d find lots of examples of this involving lots of different clubs.

Interesting that they admit the possibility of some companies being dodgy, but not willing to admit that they are guilty themselves if due diligence and proper vetting systems are used to identify such companies before happily taking the cash offered.

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One day, one day.

It’s so stupidly obvious now.

For me, I’m honestly beyond caring. I just want to see the butt hurt when the truth pours out. And pour out it will. Once it starts, it will be a house of cards.

And there will be a sense of satisfaction in being able to say “I told you so”


This should have been investigated by UAE, since betting is forbidden under Islamic law.


This is an evolved form of cheating to try to cook the books. In an effort to legitimize their income, they are faking it. Then they spend against that fake income.

For years now, true European giants have looked at Man City and questioned how they have so much commercial income.

The question is whether anyone in authority - Prem, FA, UEFA - has either the stomach, or the means, to hold them to account.

I won’t hold my breath.


Pep in giving a glowing character reference in a rape trial for one of his players… How low can one get…


There’s something deeply rotten at that club, unsurprisingly. Leaving aside the question of whether Mendy is a serial rapist and predator, at a minimum we have yet another story of a professional footballer at Manchester City engaging in a frankly deranged-sounding life of debauchery and hedonism off the pitch. I don’t buy for one second that the club didn’t know what Mendy (and Walker, and Foden, and…) was up to.

Under no circumstances would Klopp allow a culture like that to flourish at Liverpool. It just confirms for me that Guardiola is totally morally bankrupt.


100% its rotten to the core, one of the reason I don’t want a countries fund buying us.

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I don’t think it’s fair to criticise Pep over this. He is giving a character witness statement, and that may well be the Mendy he knows.

However, that club do need to ask why so many of their players end up in unpleasant situations like this. I do think that there is a problem with the culture. It isn’t long since they were organising, as a club, bunga bunga parties and flying out instagram models for, let’s be honest, the sole purpose of fucking the players.

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Not just Klopp.

With a leadership group consisting of Hendo, Milner and Virgil you know that it runs right through the squad. And I bet any dressing down from Klopp would be nothing compared to what someone like Hendo would say

Would you be a character witness to someone who has been credibly accused of what he’s been accused of? It’s not uncommon for people to make this sort of comment as a way of saying they had no idea about the person’s dark side, but those are comments made to a newspaper reporter, not to act as a character witness in the defense of alleged crimes of this severity and seriousness. Anyone who goes near that sort of role for crimes like this is depraved.


Also, when accused of rape, who the fuck would go to their boss for a character reference?

If I was in that position, the only conversation I would be having with my boss would be him telling me my stupid ass is fired.

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To be fair, I wouldn’t care what they were doing if (a) it wasn’t harming others, and (b) wasn’t negatively affecting their performances. If everyone present at parties were consenting to whatever they were doing, and the players could still perform to their peak levels the next day, why should anyone really care?

You can also include (c) it isn’t illegal

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That said, this is a club owned by people who think women are at best, objects/possessions.

Didn’t think about that part, was more focused on (a). A lot of things that are detrimental/non-consensual are still not illegal.

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hell of a character witness.


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