Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

You can’t leave out that he was a confirmed doper as a player and has always favoured (financial) doping as a coach and it is on record that he demands his players con the ref and disrupt the opposition with fouls immediately on a counter attack. That’s just what is known, behind the scenes there could be much more going on that he is involved in. A thoroughly odious presence whose end will be celebrated.


oops … my mistake

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It was for Nandralone, which subsequently came to be known as a bad test that during a period in the early 2000s incorrectly dinged a whole load of athletes across a range of sports, almost all of whom, including Pep, eventually had their cases overturned on appeal. There came to be known issues in the food supply that seemed to affect the results of the test plus issues with the test itself that while rare in absolute terms, over the course of the 100s of 1000s of test performed by WADA labs worldwide across all sports, would be expected to produce a LOT of false positives.

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Nah but it’s an idea for us, maybe we should suggest it to Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs.

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Pep agreed to renew his contract for 2 more years, until 2025.

Great news. :tada:

Why exactly is that great news. Hypocritical to the core and up to his bald crown in oil money he’d never be able to manage without. I’d save the love in, personally. He doesn’t deserve it on any Liverpool fan site.


Because we get to smash him and his City side for the next two years with our rebuilt midfield!!

I like having the world’s best managers as long as possible in the league I’m following the most.

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The unflushable turd… well, that was to be foreseen (where else could he have earned and spent that much money while having best chances of major trophies?).

Of course, this reduces our chances to win another league title even further. Guardiola is a proven cheater and has no morality at all as seen many times, but he’s a good coach to be fair.

So, this is bad news for everyone, bar the Abu Dhabi cheaters of course.


Can’t stand Man City. Can’t stand Pep.

The thing about cheating is it takes away any good feeling you once had. Years ago, I remember Pep at a golf tourney somewhere in the Northwest and having a good natured to and fro with Liverpool fans (this was before he went to Man City but was on a break, I think). Then I also remember him wearing a ribbon in support of Catalan in the ongoing situation with Spain.

There were glimmers of humanity there, for sure.

But now that he has taken the dollar, and has become a figurehead for an ugly regime to try to legitimize itself, I have no time for him.

I can of course say that he is an innovative coach with great ideas about the game, but even then, I’m unwilling to go too far, as he has always done what he should do with the resources at his disposal. Win with peak Barcelona? Well done! Bundesliga with Bayern? Ooh, nice achievement. But no CL, naughty boy! And now matching Mancini and Pellegrini in winning the league with Man City?

Excuse me while I fail to doff my cap.


It was a long way from peak Barcelona when he took over, hence the job being made available.

You are probably right, but I’m not letting facts get in the way of a minor rant, while I kick Guardiola in the nuts. Or if that is a little too strong, I am shrugging my shoulders in his direction with an Alan Partridge expression on my face, as I’m not as impressed as he wants me to be!

Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Alves, Puyol, Pique, Villa, Busquets… others too.

Against all odds Guardiola made them winners!


I would love to see Pep manage a team without the cheque book to buy whoever he wants. I think he would be high on the sackrace list :thinking:


Yes, they were a wonderful team, but he inherited only 4 of those players, and did so from a side who finished 3rd in a 2 team league. The rest he either brought in or promoted form the academy. For the likes of Pedreo, Busquets, Pique…there is no guarantee those are players who establish themselves at a Barca run by Rijarkd or anyone else they bring in as his replacement with an eye to buying players to reestablish themselves.

Ah the all about football argument which conveniently glosses over the how, the where and the why. Fuck him, the cunt.


Nah, not only about football (though mostly). I like him both as a manager and a character as well. Surely not liked by all, which I understand why. But I’ve got no problems with him.

Looking forward to more battles with City and between our top managers, some of the best football games in last years.

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We all know that special something you felt Pep…:joy:

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Let’s hope it has the usual bounce and they fall even flatter next month.