Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

AKA… Paddy the Baddy

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The headline says “Bizarre”? There’s nothing bizarre about it. He states why he hates him and why he’d like to fight him. I loath the little rat. Mrs C and my mate ‘Bobbeh’ know not to to mention him in my hearing because I’ll make my feelings about him known. Did I mention that he is a little rat? :rage::nerd_face:


There is going be a footballer who attempts a crossover and it will be all types of bad that you’ll almost have sympathy and then remember that you’d have to be dumb to do it.

Didn’t bother to read it but I agree with everything he says.


would be better if Paddy fought the tag team of Silva and Fraudiola…
Then he could knock them both out eh :0)


Well said Paddy. He should have added Silva hanging off Mo, trying to drag him down, to the rap sheet.

He was gracious enough in saying Bernardo is a smashing player, because he is. And he was spot on in saying he is a wrong ‘un as well.

Silva won’t of course go anywhere near a fight, but I would happily hand over the PPV money to see Paddy batter him.


And so his little game he loves to play begins :joy::joy:

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I’ve got an idea Pep…

Everyone bar Alvarez.

The guy played De Bruyne in a friendly today so please spare us the bullshit.


Body shamer!


Presumably there’s a small weight variance for a professional footballer. He was training with England. I can’t imagine he was eating fish and chips, curries and kebabs and knocking it back with unused pints of Budweiser in Qatar.

Are we talking a 5lb gain, which is nothing? Or more like 10-15lbs?

How much of a stickler is Pep being?

Also, nice man management baldy. More class from Man City.


Every player has Pep-style skinny jeans fitted in April. Those who cannot fit back into them after break are deemed “fat.” Very scientific.

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Pep insists on various doping substances (going back to his Italian football days and links to cycling epo doctors) without which the players appear fat to his junky eyes.

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Look at all those banners…

Pathetic. :joy:

The pre-match light show was pretty special, too. How long have they been doing that?

It’s a plausible theory and all, but I think F might be the sixth letter :joy:

G for grossly overweight, perhaps?

Nah, G is for gut

Homer Simpson Eating GIF

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Aguero was never fat shamed but regularly dropped for being fat :sweat_smile:

Time to share the ‘skinny drug’ pep! :wink:

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Need a good Leeds Utd performance against the Cheaters on Wednesday and take the full 3points off them - here is hoping anyway

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