Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

City have obstructed it, hence why the last set of charges basically say they aren’t cooperating from 2018 onwards.

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Deduct, they should be relegated to the conference.


Acid Test time.

Will I have my faith restored or is it time to walk?


Comment from Twitter

Man City are CHARGED with breaking the Premier League’s financial rules more than 100 TIMES over sponsors and contracts - and could face a points deduction or even EXPULSION" This is Uefa’s way of saying…We are desperate and need money. Just pay us a little more and we will make it disappear.

Thats it in a nutshell. Nothing will happen.

I wonder if Pep will maintain the ‘I believe what the club tell me.’ position , or will he , in the face of a further avalanche of accusations , decide that his own brand is being tarnished and jump ship.

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I suspect he’d tow the line. The time to have any morals is long gone. Having said that, I don’t think he’ll stand by the team if they are relegated.


Well well


This is why you shouldn’t read twitter.

Its the Premier League charging them, not UEFA.


They’ll weasel their way out of it as usual. No doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The way they ran roughshod over the uefa investigation (and the attitude they showed from the leaked emails about things like another one down etc) shows that they have the money/ego to get away with it.

Der Spiegel revealed the Mancini contact years ago. This is probably their standard procedure to their top players. On the books as say £10m a year, but get double from some offshore company.

Absolutely brilliant news.

The only way this can be improved on is if they actually get done for everything they have done.
Strip anything that they have ‘won’ and boot them from the League.

Fucking Cheating Scum.


I bet you all wish @Kopstar was still on here :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Call me cynical but I have very little faith anything will come of this.


Look at the Juventus situation. Just a year in Serie B for the calciopoli scandal before going back to business as usual.

And now they’ve been deducted points for other breaches.

Back to $hitty. Not cooperating for the past 4 years alone should be grounds for ejecting them from the league.


I guess they will push it all the way to CAS and get away with it lol!

What should happen.

  • immediately stripped of their titles and awards handed retrospectively to their nearest rivals in those seasons.

  • relegation to the lowest professional tier

  • special measures accounting, with all contracts and fees handled via a Premier League approved intermediary for ten years.

What will happen

  • a fine of ten million pounds

  • a ten point suspended points deduction

  • a extra special pinky promise that they will be good boys from now on.


You @cynicaloldgit you.

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In the office today and my Man City supporting colleague is in the office…I just wandered over to inform him of this news, to which he said - “oh they’re trying to bury us again with these FFP lies” and “we were cleared last time, will be this time”. I have to say, I agree, likely nothing will come of it.

I made the point that the only reason the stuff never stuck last time cos City didn’t cooperate and dragged it beyond the 5 year point. Also made the point that it’s funny how Pep’s getting funny with the Chels/NUFC spending. Squirming he was

Of course player’s would want them.

Honestly I think even your “What will happen” situation feels way beyond what I expect.

What Will Happen?

  • Man City will openly insult the proceedings, launch a war using twitter bots to discredit the Premier League and the investigation. Perhaps even make some tenuous links between members of the investigation and Liverpool/Man Utd.

  • Drag any punishment to as higher court as possible. Refuse to cooperate with investigations.

  • In 7 years time they’ll get a fine of £3m and a warning not to do it again (while also being in court for 2018-2023 at the same time where the same pattern will play out).

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Those titles will be reffered to as tainted titles :wink: