Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

WHilst I underatand many posters that fear nothing will happen, remember these charges are actually a lot more serious as it relates to financial accounts, payments to staff ect.

Even if they manage to weasle their way out of these charges, more serious will lay ahead as it will bring them to the attention of HMRC. And if there is 1 group that can truely fuck a corrupt and dodgy business, it is those responsible for collecting taxes.


Full independent annual audit of all clubs’ finances including us. Won’t happen because I suspect most clubs have dubious transactions. OK, maybe not us. Didn’t we try to do that NFT thing until it became obvious that the only way anyone would buy them is if they had money to launder?

Yes I’m actually more interested in this. Surely if all this is right, there’s fraud involved?

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Glasgow Rangers Mk II?

The * titles

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This is the cue for the entry of numerous world-class citeh pet lawyers, under instruction to do their thing. Again.

The negative publicity of once more being in the public spotlight for ongoing financial cheating is always welcome from our pov, but we’ll just have to see what happens. Hopefully the FA prove to have bigger cojones than UEFA…

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erm…none of that will happen.

They will get ÂŁ10m fine (if that) they can pay over 5 years.

Full auditing should definitely be a requirement, every season. I velieve that’s why Barcelona got so screwed when they realised they couldn’t make the numbers make sense. Imagine Man City trying to explain to an auditor how a crypto trading company with no employees and a week old registration as a business where able to afford a sponsorship deal with “the most successful commerical club in the world”. Absolute nonsense.

In America the terms of trades are all known, salaries are all public - you can go to spotrac right now and see to the penny how much a player is paid and how it breaks down year on year. In football we still hide behind undisclosed transfer fees and what we know of wages are just stabs in the dark. Things should be much more open.


Only thing I will say is…FFP have been before and ended up looking stupid.
You can only think they have something concrete now otherwise they need to scrap FFP because its become a joke.


It’s my last season. With the season ticket, Sky Sports, BT Sports, Sky Bet in a cost of living crisis with their corrupt product, they can fuck off. I know the team haven’t been at it this season, but the officiating has been as obvious as a cock on a nun. They’re fucking desperate for us not to win this league. That along with City staff and their attitude to legacy fans, I’ve no stomach to fight for them. A league run by bent, corrupt thundercunts.

Was it @Notasuperfan who was question the effectiveness of sports washing? @1972 ?

I can’t find the conversation now, but who ever it was I would invite the honourable gentleman have a look on Twitter this morning, whether it’s Cities global fanbase leaping to the defence of their corrupt owners, or client journalists reported that they were ‘cleared’ of the charges by CAS

My “what will happen” is bleaker than yours given how weak the FA and UEFA is in front of money.

What will happen:

  1. 99/100 charges will be found not guilty
  2. The only most obvious charge will be found guilty by the FA.
  3. Man City will push it to CAS and CAS will take over their case
  4. CAS will find Man City not guilty of the sole charge.
  5. Punishment: Zilch

The charges will probably amount to nothing but seeing them squirm is a warm and fuzzy feeling. Fuck them and anyone like them.

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101 pages in 40 minutes!

This is the general feel because it’s what will happen.

“They’ll have their five minutes of excitement and then it will all blow away.”

Fans jumping to the only organisation that made their club relevant in the last decade is pretty normal. As for the journalists they paid off, the journalists can only report what was given in the CAS’ judgement in a better light.

But still, did it succeed change your personal perception of them or the larger non-man city fans’ perception?? If it did change their image in your or the larger non-citeh fans’ eyes, then yes, the Sport-washing is successful.

“In football we still hide behind undisclosed transfer fees and what we know of wages are just stabs in the dark. Things should be much more open.”

Open to an independent regulatory body sure but not to the public. No need for that.

I clicked a few pages and many city fans realise they could be in deep trouble,obviously quite a few blame anyone but city.

We were mentioned on the first page :grinning:

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