Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Maybe being accused of financial doping by some of the other European leagues (LaLiga for eg), and the threat of it being reported to EUFA has sent a warning to the PL to get their house in order…
Might just be smoke and mirrors at the end of the day but will be interesting to see it unfold though

What’s the mainstream media saying about this?

If they are found guilty of current charges then the other years wl will have to follow?

They are cunts and we never liked them!

Only because City have obstructed the investigation… Considering all the dodgy shit like the bet/crypto no employee sponsorship ones in 21 they are proper fucked.

Honestly, give us the 3 trophies and Silva the little rat has to personally hand out the medals.


Silva and many of the others might be starting to crap their shorts now at the risk if The Cheaters get investigated at some point by HMRC… it would surely follow that the players will be looked at also

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Thinking logically about this…
During the period that the alleged infractions took place, the most grieved parties would be
teams who finished 2,3,4,5, and clubs that lost in cup finals against City.

Punishing City points NOW doesn’t properly compensate the parties who actually suffered damages from the past offenses.

The Ben Johnson scenario happens all the time in the Olympics… If you want to be the most “fair” it should also happen in this case.

Basically… erase these cons like they never existed.


Yeah, I’m always right :rofl::rofl::rofl:

If they get done for this, the limits of what could potentially happen might not be limited. For example if the get relegated for what they did in 2019 then their titles afterwards “should” be stripped.

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Let’s take 2011-12 at random. That season, the top three qualified for the following season’s Champions League. Spurs finished fourth.

Could the Spuds therefore sue City and, perhaps, the Premier League if no action is taken?

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I think someone mentioned above,this is probably why city will only get fined.
The repercussions from retrospective punishments is mind boggling and potentially very expensive for the Premier League.

There won’t be a decision soon.

They’ll get a fine, maybe some Transfer ban and point deduction for next season. Nothing else.

Simply not necessary. The public have no need nor entitlement to know who’s earning what.

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New York Lol GIF by Lifetime

Chelsea got a 2 year transfer ban for being proven on 2 counts.

City are at 144 accused counts…


That’ll be the money laden legals doing their bit…

steven gerrard GIF by UEFA

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personally i can see the EPL been very tough on Man City,

just to set an example to any other club, like Newcastle or Chelsea

that have rich owners with bottomless pockets who think they can cheat there way to success,

that cheating FFP will not be tolerated and you will be severly punished for it

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Titles need to be stripped. Relegation as well. This is not a few charges. Let alone a few seasons. This is deliberate and far from an anomaly. Deer in the headlights stuff. Premeditated, calculated and now they’ve been caught. The Premier League need to stand up. Show some integrity and accountability. Otherwise credibility will be lost.

City have also at the very least tarnished the image of the Premier League. This affects all clubs. The financial side is heavy. Sponsorship, certain clubs missing out on European competition, plus of course remuneration in league standings as well. There’s a number of elements to it.