Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

The first one to return the medal should be Bernardo Silva. Fcking prick.


He was accused of being racist last time so I donā€™t blame him. PL must be being racist now.

This is my view from trying to understand the CAS ruling.

City benefitted after May 2014 from financial irregularities/dodgy deals/cheating,we all know that,but those things were done at a time which CAS could not make a ruling on,prior to May 2014.So those things did not form part of the case set out in front of CAS.
From what i see they were eventually found guilty of non cooperation with UEFA,not of financial irregularities/dodgy deals/cheating during the time period set out by CAS.
CAS did however seem to have suspicions of events even after May 2014 but they were only suspicions.

Fuck sake lol :joy: :joy: loving these memes


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Heā€™s very very good that guy, needs to appear on more football shows or more frequently as a special guestā€¦has more knowledge and sense than the whole Sky team combined.


WTF have I been doing to have only just pegged that Reddy is South African?

Gazing into her eyes :heart_eyes:

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Iā€™m thinking that Guardiola may actually just be an idiot.



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Iā€™m really not surprised about Pep.
I always thought he was a well dressed sleaze bagā€¦

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Just watched his denial speechā€¦so all PL teams have collaborated to bring these charges against his teamā€¦Are you really that thick?? ā€¦the shit has hit the fan and youā€™re right in the middle of itā€¦


Had his lips done?

In my opinion, Pepā€™s reaction is like a child who has mis-behaved. His reaction was that of, It is everyone elseā€™s fault, they are ganging up us, I hate you all.
He should have just have said, this is now a legal matter and I am not allowed to discuss the matter further. My main focus is on our next game. It is clear he does not have any sense of humility.


I like that sheā€™s debunked the completely innocent thing, something the most journalists seem to avoid doing. Next step is for someone to actually do that in front of baldy.


I honestly think relegation and point deduction isnā€™t happening.
Ttheir inflated finances we mainly used for incoming signings. So hit them where it hurts them the most.
Enforce a transfer ban equivalent to the number of years they have been convicted of financial doping. I doubt they will survive.

Donā€™t need to relegate them, they will do it themselves.

He will only be thinking of his Fraudiola brand now and how to go about manipulating everything around him so he can come up from that pile of shit still smelling of rosesā€¦
What we might actually be seeing here, is the slowly unfolding and eventual demise of football as we once knew itā€¦ These cheating F***ers are not going to back down against the toothless PL they have too much money to throw at thisā€¦ then they really will rule the roost from thereon inā€¦

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Where is this?

In the final 20 seconds of the report

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