Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

To be fair, if you are a thick cunt being paid 100k a week and you swap that for 25k a week even you are going to know you are dumb.



If only heā€™d taken the 100k a week, he wouldve had enough money to fully retire

Now we have to suffer him on tv because hes skint

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He is truly shite as a pundit.

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Someone thought cheeky chappy pundits is what we want, and it would be ok if he was always that way but when Man City loses he sulks the worst.

I canā€™t deal with the constant fucking laughing with Micah and company.


I donā€™t mind Richards but he is overused. Shouldnā€™t be a weekly pundit as thatā€™s when it gets annoying.

I donā€™t mind having a pundit who takes thibgs a little more light-hearted though from time to time. Its a game meant to be enjoyed after all.


Chris Kamara had a bit of comedy and charm. He is a funny individual who is self deprecating and has real personality. His TV work is enjoyable. He is interesting.

Micah Richards has the charm and comedy value of the toilet roll that fell into the bowl and is a soggy mess.


Yup, Richards is just as bitter as they come.

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Itā€™s fine, to a point, to be the jolly sidekick. Keep it light, have a laugh, fair enough.

But if thatā€™s all it is, and it is overused, it quickly grates.

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Itā€™s not so much the light hearted nature, but the laddy bantz. Itā€™s so 1980s

Should have asked how many pay packets that was coming in

I have a bet going, with my lad, for a crisp $1 bill.

Before kick off I said Man City would score more than 5.
He said less than 5.

If they score 5 nobody wins.

It is 3-0 and they are playing like it is a training game.

Having a dollar riding on the extent of the victory is the only way to make sport of this.

I hope your son is 18 or older. :joy:

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Heā€™s 16, and $1 richer :joy:

In my defence, I never collect if I win :laughing:

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Problem is Man City sometimes donā€™t bother when they go ahead up early.


Theyā€™re definitely not as good as us.

We donā€™t bother at all.

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To be fair we did last week just after we were 2-0 down.

Remember when we gutted we gave up 2-0 leads :joy:

Interesting thread


Is accurate.

If City do go on and win it, maybe then the same Arsenal fans that laughed at us for not winning 38 games straight will understand now what exactly youā€™re battling against.