Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

You really shouldn’t be. It’s everywhere.

In fact it’s one of life’s great paradoxes: in an age when information is so easily accessible, ignorance appears to be on the increase.

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What leeway would they get anyhow?

They aren’t going start drilling for oil in the northern quarter are they?

I guess my question is if the Council are already letting them enrich themselves from the city I dont see how this move will change much


I was thinking it gave them an opportunity to burrow further and gain more influence on a national level using local levers. But you may be right that they already have that level of influence.

It was always going to go quiet. That’s doesn’t mean nothing is happening. When they were charged it’s was said it might take two years to come a verdict.

Then a 2 year appeal.

That also what I was thinking about. £300m expansion buuuuut we need to know what will be happening with the charges.

Yep, the wheels of justice turn slowly. I’m not expecting a fast resolution, but it would be good, in the interest of context, for the footballing world to occasionally hear something like this:

“And don’t forget, Manchester City have 100+ charges hanging over them, and we join with everyone in the game in waiting to see the outcome of those charges…”

And for my tastes, to give context to the 100+ charges, I’d like another sound bite:

“Manchester City did of course have a previous case brought by UEFA that was referred to the CAS. They were not exonerated but won a 2-1 vote after not cooperating with the authorities, and timing the case out on a legal technicality.”

Don’t get me wrong, I won’t hold my breath on any of that happening, but it should.

All we get from the pundits, generally speaking, is a lot of fawning over Man City, while the current charges they are facing, plus the previous case brought by UEFA, should be routinely mentioned as important context.

By and large Man City have set the PR agenda, but they should not have been allowed to. It is not their press release or tidbit to control, but rather something that is so big that it should be of keen interest to the wider game.

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I think the thing that is understandably a bit more difficult when covering city is their “cheating” hasnt been a case like Juve where it was aided by buying refs. It wasn’t like Lance Armstrong where they were doping (and arguably using their financial clout to provide cover). Its just about the way they have acquired and paid for the players they put on the pitch, but those players still go out and win. It’s sort of like it’s still a fair sporting contest for the players, just not for the clubs putting them out there and that muddies the water a bit, at least for people who dont have clear convictions.


That’s a good point, and it is probably what is eating at the likes of Kompany when he defended Man City against the charges.

Because if it goes through, the implication for the players is that they gave the best years of their elite career to an enterprise that was crooked.

So while there can be no doubt that they were good players, we can absolutely doubt the legitimacy of what was achieved.

And while sports stars will obviously enjoy their money, there is at least part of the make up that craves the respect and acclaim.

In years to come I hope those aspects are withheld from Man City’s Abu Dhabi players.

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But all they are doing is buying cheap land in a shit area where you can’t build housing.

If there was an old gas works next to Anfield I’d expect the same. It was gifting them the stadium in the first place that was the issue.

A big shout out to Man City for reaching the champs league semi final,

Its the 3rd season in a row theyve managed to do it,

Remarkable achievement,

I just dont know how they manage to do it!

Such a David Vs Goaliath battle.

The plan is unfolding well. The treble is on (PL, CL and FAC).

The noisy neighbors will lose the FA Cup, and the Darling of London will miss out on the PL title by a few points to the Civil Rights- violating regime. Finally, some London and Manc/Tampa Bay/PL money hungry powers will wake up.

Madrid (and a Milan giant) will lose “their” CL trophy and La Liga, Serie A and Bayern Munich will finally organize something to stand up to this lot.

And then I woke up.

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No chance will this shower of cheating oil-stained shite beat Madrid.

I can see it being 4 or 5 over the 2 legs

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4 nil to Man City both legs…

just to tip everyone over the edge!

At this point I’d prefer a surgical strike on wherever the hydrocarbon cunts and their lackies live. Then they can do the title stripping and FPP investigation.



good to see this,

its becoming a laughable situation and an embarrassment to the authorities


And when , may we ask, are the FFFP charges going to be dealt with. Or are the PL waiting for the shitters to win various competitions, so they can be lenient…