Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

It was said at the time it might take a couple of years for this to work through.

Watch them now use this in their defence of the PL allegations, claiming media influences.

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I’m seeing that Real Madrid are picking up a lot of injuries in the build-up to their match against the cheaters, so I’m guessing this is finally the year they manage to break football.


Fixed for accuracy, mate. They’ve broken English football since quite some time already.


If City reach the final, I won’t be watching.


Nothing they achieve in the Abu Dhabi era has any merit. I definitely won’t watch if they make the final either.

If they do bloody the nose of Real Madrid, after Bayern Munich, I hope it sharpens the focus as to what they are doing to the game, and I hope the authorities grow a pair.

The Prem. 100+ charges. We are watching and waiting.

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Don’t hold your breath.

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2 year breath hold would be a record surely?

My gut says its all too late even if the charges stick. UEFA, Ligue 1, PL and so on let the cat out of the bag long ago. This is the fruit of their ignorance.

… and waiting, and waiting, and waiting…


till the cows come home…

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Not serious, are you!

100%, perhaps complacent would be a better word. They were fully aware of it and each one of them decided to let it slide (pretty much) instead of shutting it down early.

100% correct, and I would say it’s plain corruption/dishonesty.

having a read on blue moon the now (i feel all dirty and need a shower now)

turns out a few on there are in favour of the salary cap UEFA are proposing,

they have no fucking shame

if they cheat FFP, they will cheat a salary cap.,

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Stop complaining and get with the program all you all.

It’s HBO’s Game of Thrones in action. This lot need to enjoy this for another year or 2 max. Not because there will be sanctions (cause there will be none) but because the KSA (Sandcastle) and Emir of Qatar (MancU) will duke it out and knock Abu Dhabi to 3rd.

I can’t wait for the new series to begin.

No room in that season for the honest good guys?
Think I will give it a miss…

Any type of rules where spending power is at least partly dependent on revenues, like this salary cap idea, is a no go as far as I’m concerned as it doesn’t address City’s most blatant cheating which is the cooking of the revenue books. Sure, some of the 100 charges they face are from hiding/redirecting manager wages, but City’s bread and butter is inflating sponsorship deals and gate sales.


You also have to spend it wisely.

Note: Long/ish Thread

Driven away from football by Man City’s cheating – which no one will remember… (


It’s not even WWE.

Anything can happen in that.