Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

The tone is a bit dramatic, but I can’t really disagree with any of that.

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The makthoum family is related to the owner of City.

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Not that it shows the UK or the Indian govt in positive light. But these are the people who are owning Man City (related to buy i daresay it’s the same family now)

I’ve read about the case, I believe when his daughter tried to flee, and again when his wife tried to flee.

I wonder what it says about you as a person when the people around you want to run away from you…

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The govts of the respective countries (UK/India) (along with many other countries) are also to blame for allowing their strategic goals to be reached in exchange for allowing human rights violations to happen.

I can see why govts would tolerate these happenings, the greater good , the strategic diplomacy , the oil etc etc

But for normal citizens to embrace the club’s they own and gloss over their crimes.

Wonder if perchance , Liverpool are sold to such guys , would we have those same attitudes ?

I know I would quit watching football. But will anyone else ?

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I hear arguments saying… A lot of the items that we use everywhere in daily life are from China etc etc… So we are hypocritical.

But i probably don’t have a choice in that , i might choose to have an iPhone instead of a Chinese made mobile. But the parts of the iPhone are still manufactured in China…

I do however have a choice in whether i can support a club which is owned by owners who continue to perpetuate HR violations. Because the choice to give the club my loyalty , time and money is mine. Therein lies the difference.


Yes, you are not alone.

City have created an apathy in me with regards to the game as a whole. It’s credit to club we’ve stayed with them as we have.

But if you look at Newcastle, and then possibly United, what comes next?

It becomes a dick measuring contest between the biggest wallets. I’ve honestly no interest in that.


Bahia - full name Esporte Clube Bahia - become the third South American club in the CFG, joining Montevideo City Torque in Uruguay and partner club Bolivar in Bolivia. Manchester City, New York City FC, Melbourne City, Yokohama F Marinos, Girona, Sichuan Jiuniu, Mumbai City, Lommel, Troyes and Palermo complete the list.

How long before we get a City Group League where all clubs are owned by City Group?

Game is fucked, truly fucked


I read that headline this morning and wondered why the fuck anyone would want to own thirteen clubs in Brazil’s Bahia.

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Well they can do that and have a global league where no one goes to watch matches and yet they have attendances of 200k

Global streaming audiences perhaps. Maybe if the guys in power play their role , that’s what city football group will be reduced to.

The mad thing is we all know it’s not an impossible suggestion is it? It wouldn’t surprise any of us if it happened.

I can see it starting with pre season friendlies for plastic trophies etc.

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It feels an obvious conclusion especially if the PL do actually get the charges to stick.

Thing with Man City is, would anyone miss them? Talk already of Barca leaving La Liga which would be worse for them.

The fact we still keep getting TV matches even with our awful season someone always picks up most weeks, us and Man Utd no other team has the same draw, Man City had a poor season they’d hardly be seen.


3 more wins away from the league title, and the stadium looks 25% empty.
Disgusting entitled fanbase.
I so hope Madrid do them in the CL, those despicable supporters dont deserve it.


I agree totally…
Whilst feeling filthy for wanting Real to win.
But its infinitely better than these cunts


53,406 according to Sky Sports,

but i believe you over what Sky Sports reports via Man City!

Sky obviously ask City what the attendance figure is.

The scam is sickening to be honest.


I assume it’s how many tickets are sold and scanned, of course you’d only have to go into the computer and fix the number.

I have friends who work at both Manchester Universities and they Man City are always selling tickets via them, Man Utd do it for cup games.

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I think these are declared for all games arent they? Whenever i used to read sports pages, attendance figures were always given?

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