Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)


City might possibly be sustainableā€¦ but only AFTER an injection of Ā£2Billion, a free stadium, and a raft of legitimate sponsorship deals making them the second richest team in the world, honest, in terms of income.

I didnā€™t read the article and Iā€™m not judging anyone, as we all have our lines. For example, I confess that I intended to swerve the World Cup but ended up watching.

Anyway, Im trying to avoid media propaganda about Man City. It feels like the sportswashing is almost complete, and they now benefit from fawning articles and no scrutiny about where it came from, and how they are going about their business.

I canā€™t stand Real Madrid, but I want them to knock this shower out of Europe.


Genuinely didnā€™t understand what he was saying. I mean I understand the words that were written but couldnā€™t construct any real line of argument out of them. Iā€™ve learned that City are like mods though and that Mr Mansour has a formidable reputation.


The article is a propaganda piece bought and paid for by City. Itā€™s simply the beginning of many to come in preparation for the public opinion vote in light of the charges. Perfect timing as news outlets have all but forgotten that the charges are there (along with many fans) and now that the football is starting to wind down for many, except for their treble bid. Itā€™s a hearts and minds piece.

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My understanding of sustainability in a footballing finances sense is that they are being run within their means as a closed system. Revenues are greater than or equal to costs.

And we know that this is still definitely not the case. Otherwise they wouldnā€™t need to still lie about Matchday revenues (ā€˜stadium selloutsā€™ :rofl::joy:), creating dodgy sponsorship deals with relatives, and extremely questionable transfer sums like Haalandā€™s.

They are nowhere close to sustainable.



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Always felt they had a plan to walk away at some point then again Iā€™m not sure what their end goal is, part of a super league with its own clubs perhaps, assume that might happen if the PL show some guts.

No, utube video after. Highlights.

Youā€™re not kidding! Speaking as an English teacher, I would give that a C minus at best. Iā€™m surprised it got past the Guardianā€™s subs.


Some people thrive on stealing a living - The guy has churned out 6 novels to date


This was exactly my reaction.

What a fucking word salad.

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Jack Grealish joining fwat fwank in the 150 IQ club:


Feckinā€™ hate this club. Havenā€™t finished outside the Top Four since 9/10. Whenever that season arrives when they tumble down the table a bit, it will be very sweet indeed.


Hopefully itā€™ll be from a demotion to outside the Football League for cheatingā€¦


So thatā€™s 3 titles in a row and 5 in 6 years. Klopp single handedly giving their ā€œeraā€ more credibility than it deserves.


When will the charges they face be dealt with?
Surely the stain on the league has to be addressed over the summer and their punishment meted out before next season.

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When the charges were brought, experts were suggesting it might take a couple of years to be processed. I think we just have to be patient. It was always going to a long process.


Bah, they will conveniently push all of this stuff under the carpet again, as theyā€™ve done with all previous charges brought forward against them. Weā€™ll hear during the next five years how everything is thoroughly ā€˜processedā€™. Then, theyā€™ll be leniently reminded to play along the rules, condemned to pay a nominal penalty fee, and that will be the end of the story.

In order to really make an example out of them, youā€™d need a steel-concrete willingness at political level to push the process forward. But Iā€™m afraid that there is a bigger chance of me ending up as the new Swiss Napoleon, and invading the whole of Europe as a result, rather than that happening.


I disagree. The Premier League is not UEFA. It is run by the clubs in the competition and there is definitely the will to do something. They will not put up with City turning their ā€˜productā€™ into another Bundesliga.

City got off with the UEFA charge on a technicality. They took the slap on the wrist for obstructing the process, to get the greater charges time barred. That wonā€™t happen here.

The league would not have brought 100+ charges if there was nothing going to stick.

Theyā€™ve avoided that by letting NUFC be owned by another state.

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