Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Credit to Liverpool that we could hang with city for that long despite the unfair advantages.

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The infuriating thing is that other team players’ and managers are being denied their rightful glory. Nobody wants a post-retirement league title.




I think there’s more respect for what Liverpool have achieved facing the cheats (both with city and the referees)

It’s taken another club to finish second for City’s dubious methods to get more airtime.


3 out of 5 full seasons under klopp , we’ve either beaten city or we’ve come within a point of them.

Klopp deserves much more respect than what Guardiola is getting. Stupid paid media praising Guardiola , i get Guardiola is one of the greats , but Klopp is better , better human , better manager.


It’s what Sportswashing buys you.


That’s why if and when City have those charges upheld, there will be a long line of clubs preparing claims for damages.


I won’t be surprised if city sell players at a high rate by effectively money laundering to get around FFP

Buy player from club at 60m , sell player at 30m to a third club once Guardiola needs a new toy and the second club does an undervalued deal with the third club which gets them another good player with potential upside.

And then the cycle resumes.

End of

This is like the next level Barcelona shenanigans of inflating transfer prices just to get out of FFP issues.

From us absolutely. From other fans? Maybe now from some Arsenal fans as they realise what it feels like to go up against a financial doper.

The rest don’t give a shit.

Ive had man utd fans telling me that they respect klopp now with what he had to say regarding fixture congestion.

FFP…pls pls pls hurry up…do not paste over the cracks…take em to the cleaners…and make it quick…for everyone’s sake…


To me this is absolutely the same as cyclists and sprinters on anabolic steroids (stanzolol) and blood doping (EPO). Absolutely no difference. City should be despised just like Ben Johnson in athletics and Lance Armstrong in cycling.

They are hijacking someone else’s lifetime achievements which they’ve earned through huge sacrifices. Makes me sick.


Also the thing that even if Liverpool can afford the transfer fee, we can’t pay the wages that city offers. Trying to match city on wages is what has fucked over the likes of man utd in the past.

Liverpool can’t fall into that trap.


Dumb fuck fans always fixate on the transfer fee, the total accumulated wage packet is often much greater


Klopp would have taken gundogan , Bernardo (shithouser but still) in a heart beat if we could have matched the wages city offered. Point is we can’t.


100% agree with you apart from EPO is not blood doping. It’s a drug. Blood doping is removing a pint of your own blood, keeping it in the fridge and then putting it back in your body just before the race, basically giving you an extra pint of oxygen carrying blood cells. Worth looking up Tyler Hamilton’s story where he got it wrong.

They are the Lance Armstrong of football and employ all the same tactics he did. I actually have more respect for him funnily enough, even though he comes over as a bit of a wanker.

I find myself sitting here typing this, wondering why I’m so off topic but honestly I feel nothing, I don’t care.
I do however wonder, that come next preseason, whether I’ll actually have any interest.
Another nail in in my “I like football” box come coffin.


Me too. Starting to feel like a massive waste of my time and emotional energy. Appreciate the correction re: EPO and platelet reinjection


He is a HUGE wanker. Nasty piece of work who mafia-style threatened to destroy careers and reputations of anyone who cottoned on to his misdeeds


Huge scenes outside the Emptyiad.


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