Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Yeah a few good eggs on posts about it but crowded out by the many “all in for Qatar”.

I do hope Radcliffe gets it even though the guys a pillock.


10 trophies since they started investigating, 10.

Nothing like waiting for your moment is there?

Well UEFA we’re reviewing them before that, though to be fair up until tonight that wouldn’t have removed any trophies

This idea that that the Premier League could just decide they are are fucking corrupt and throw them out overnight are daft. These things take ages to sort out.


I don’t see anything happening that will be anymore than a blip.They’ll get some punishment which might stop them competing for 1 season and that will be it.They have been allowed to get to big by authorities taking too long to punish them .


If the Middle East triads do get points deducted, for those seasons we narrowly missed out by a point, could we be awarded past titles, yet deprived of the joy of celebration?

Massive congratulations to City for winning the Champions League and completing their sportswashed domination of football, the massive cheating corrupt cunts. It is really testament to the amazing squad they have built and the genius of Pep, and the two billion pounds (we know about) they have spent on destroying football as a competitive sport.

Well done lads. Well done.


Probs about time they won it to be honest. Inter were poor and Lukaku even worse.

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Basically once we had gone there wasn’t a team who could have performed against them or gone to that level on the night and I doubt the way we were we would have had a chance bar in say a one off game like tonight.

Saying that we have beaten them twice this season so there would have always been a chance. It’s just we were dismal for far too long and when we got good everything good was too far out of reach.

The failure to qualify for the CL hadn’t sunk in until I realized that next year we won’t have a chance to grab big ears from their filthy, oil-smeared hands. We’ll have to make due with the PL.

They were better than the cunts. Cheaty had one singular chance with Haaland, the goal with the god damn ball rolling perfectly for Rodri and lots of meaningless possession. Inter missed several gilt-edged chances and played them far closer than anyone expected. Pity that Martinez and Lukaku put in an embarrassing performance.

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I believe that Sheikh Mansour has put out a statement thanking everyone at the club for their hard work and dedication…!!!
Almost all of the replies by their plastic fans, are not only thanking him back in return… they are addressing him as HH

His Highness - makes you want to throw up eh :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

He wrote: “My congratulations and gratitude to our loyal Manchester City fans, and everyone at the Club, including management, technical staff and players. We will continue to define and celebrate our success together.”

The message naturally went down well with the club’s fans, with one replying: “Thanks for making Guardiola’s dreams come true, to have a place where he can feel loved and respected.”
Another added: “Thank you beyond words HH [His Highness] for what you have done and continue to do for the club and its fans.”

A third gushed: “Thank you for all the hard work and dedication put into this amazing project. We’re proud to be a part of this history and to be supporters of this club.”

A fourth declared: “I don’t have the words to thank you for what you have done for a club I’ve supported for 50 years, other than to say thank you."

I thought it meant Helly Hansen for a second.

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It’s not entirely daft.

The premier league is made up of the 20 teams competing in it. If the other 19 teams all voted to kick them out then there is nothing the cheats can do about it.

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Asterisk FC ride again I see… cheaty plastic cunts.

Steve Coogan Shrug GIF


I appreciate that but they’ve been at it for 15 years. Let that sink in. At worse that’s 12 number 3 year cycles.

Cue Tsunami of lawsuits and legal actions from Lawyer FC.

Look what happened when UEFA went after them with half-arsed regulations. This needs to be done properly. Properly takes time.

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I agree 100%, but the rules of the Premier League are written in such a way that the 20 clubs decide who is in and who is not. If all 19 of the other clubs decided to kick them out, there is nothing they can do.

The problem is not all 19 would agree, as a number would no doubt be reliant on the cheats to boost their transfer fees so would not want to lose that source of cash, so it then comes down to the Premier League actually making sure any investigation is as tight as a duck’s arsehole to make sure the charges actually stick

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Completely agree but with every passing year I fear it becomes more difficult.

not entirely.

All they need is 1 charge relating to hidden payments to stick, and that could bring in a new beast, that even City would not be able to fight - HMRC. And they have a lot more powers than anyone and can really fuck City if they want too - just ask Rangers, Bury and Chester


Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:

The absurdity of it all though. If the PL find them guilty then by rights they shouldn’t have been in the Champions League.