Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

The longer this goes on the less likely that any titles will be taken away even if they are found guilty.At most they’ll get a heavy fine,deducted points and maybe a transfer ban.But they have cheated to get where they are now and that position is what needs to be taken away,but can’t be.How do you put them back to where they were in 2009?

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I’m already at that stage since some time. I didn’t watch that game either and didn’t miss it at all. It’s total fake, and contains no interest anymore for me.


I bet not one of them lives in England, let alone Manchester.

Our game has now been sold to the world. It now represents something completely different. Something people all over the world will spend money on, but then something that makes these people far closer to customers than fans, even if they participate in the online fandom that approximates what people think fans experience from being fans. But it also means shifting their loyalty now has no more friction than someone picking a new go to taco joint because the new one is currently trendy, or they had one bad experience at their old joint after $1000s of good experiences there.

*Says this prick writing from 4000 miles away

Your typical cheaty plastic sites ‘jealousy’ as the standard rebuttal to any criticism against that club. Well, here’s the news for them: J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y is not the way you spell DISGUST.


Had exactly this with the one of three City fans I know of in the area.

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There is absolutely zero chance that will happen.

Yeah, let’s be realistic. No chance at all.

You have to ask, why are our FA such wimps? Juventus, a club owned by one of the most powerful families in Italy, was charged and penalised at least twice I think. If Italian FA can do that, why can’t Premier League?

All this finger pointing and blaming but not actually doing anything makes them look like the guy who yaps about, but turns tail and runs the moment someone walks in front of his face.

I suppose this being a state owned club, there is diplomatic pressure as well from government side to not piss off the oil merchants too much. But that just shows what a shitty state football is in.


Because they are different alleged crimes that present different challenges in how you go about proving them

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I can’t be doing with the ‘The Premier league are cowards’ stuff.

They have thrown 114 charges at them, which is not what cowards would have done. It’s taking time because it needs to take time.


Have a look how the PGA Tour have bent over sideways to this new deal.

They’ve got not only money but political clout that extends beyond their borders.

Look at the way the government intervened in the Newcastle/Saudi deal.


The damage is done, this league is done and football is done, whilst it would be a consolation if they were kicked out the league, all their trophies stripped and the Sheikh sent packing it doesn’t change the course of history. It doesn’t put things right, it cannot. The reverse is irreversible.

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I don’t think it is beyond repair at this point - if the outcome was that Citeh has been established as one of the perennial powers, that would not be critical to the health of the league. But if they continue to undermine any meaningful efforts to contain costs domestically and in Europe, I think both those competitions start to lose value.

La Liga has outperformed the Premier League on many measures, has a better head-to-head record for honours, but it not as compelling a league for global audiences because in the end it is a duopoly. There are many broadcast weekends where neither Madrid nor Barcelona are playing an interesting match. Bundesliga is like Formula 1 at its worst, absolutely processional and made interesting only by crashes involving the leader. This season was a rare exception.

At some point, if the entry level for actually being relevant in a competition is a number in the billions, there just won’t be many relevant teams.


The Premier League case against City hasn’t concluded yet. Why don’t we all just wait and see how it pans out, before getting the pitchforks and burning crosses out.

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Looking on Twitter and it seems Jack Grealish is the only footballer to ever drink to celebrate trophies. We get it he likes a party. Going out in the full kit was a tad for the cameras also, I’m imagining him changing for a shower then putting the whole kit back on unlike all the others changing into normal clothing?

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Two years’ time? Is that when the 130 charges are due to be processed?

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Teams tend to fall away a bit when their coach has stated an intention to leave by a certain date, I hope to god that happens at City…


Will be interesting to see if winning CL also has a similar effect

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Knowing our luck, Klopp will sail off into the sunset at the same time, leaving Ten Hag’s expensive army to wreak havoc to the league from then on…