Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

He fancied a new watch.

Remember, we only won the league because Laporte did his knee and you cannot expect City to be able to compete with such an important player missing for so much of the season

Mr Rogers Clown GIF


Say what you will but that was the moment when I started thinking that we actually might go up against them - he had been imperious in the prior season. The moment when I started believing was Maneā€™s winner at Aston Villa. How I long for those days.


Anyone watching?

Yup. Goal Sevilla

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Hoping this goes to an energy draining extra time then penalties.
Then the vermin whoā€™ve spent hundreds of pounds to get there to support them experience defeat in the most heartbreaking of circumstances.

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No extra time, straight to penos

Jesus Navas still going strong at 37/38 and hasnā€™t really lost much pace at all, fair fucks.

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City have had a few chances but Sevilla should have put this to bed ages ago.

Well hereā€™s hoping they lose 88-87 then

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Fingers crossed :laughing:

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:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


Didnā€™t even know it was happening.

Another meaningless trophy for the cheats. Hopefully in its own way it increases the resolve to make sure they get whatā€™s coming, as all these ā€˜achievementsā€™ are being made on top of an illegitimate foundation.

Same. I wouldnā€™t go quite as far as saying it is a meaningless trophy, them being in the fixture has, for me, completely devalued it to the point where Iā€™m beyond caring.

That is the City effect.

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I should have said it better. The trophy itself is not meaningless. To get there you have to win Europa or CL. If it is contested by legitimate teams, itā€™s a good occasion, an early season barometer and some silverware.

Man Cityā€™s participation and victory renders it meaningless, thatā€™s what I should have said. Blatant and systematic cheating is going unchecked, and when it results in trophies there is no meaning to said trophy.

Iā€™m a football fan, maybe even avid football fan, and I didnā€™t know this was happening, which says something about what Man City are doing to the game.


We will be there next year :wink:

It is not meaningless but it is in the category of those that feel cheap to add to an official trophy count.

Definitely. Itā€™s a step up from the community shield, but a massive step down from winning either of the trophies that are needed to even play in this game.

Hate those signs usually but thatā€™s good.

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