Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Yep, not sure why we as fans need to whinge about this.

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Maybe itā€™s because it happens more than twice as often for us as anyone else.


Yes, itā€™s disadvantageous for both the teams. But, it happens to us more frequently.


its an overall disadvantage.

but on the particular matchday, its a disadvantage for both teams equally.

the point made i was refering to, was about the manc derby being later in the day etc etc etc

city are guilty of so many chargesā€¦this complaint just seems to diminish the case againstā€¦


Donā€™t really care. At this point, I could blame them for global warming; and they would be guilty of it too.


do you not see how that kind of additude legitimises ā€¦next thing weā€™ll complain that light blue is a nueatral colour so it should be banned because it lulls the oppenant into being to calmā€¦

Liverpool playing at noon after international breaks isnā€™t one of the charges theyā€™re faced with. As far as I am aware, apart from Klopp complaining at press conferences, the club has done nothing else officialy.

Itā€™s just fans venting about their cheating ways, how does that weaken official, legitimate complaints against them.


Thisā€¦ Maybe due to the way it was phrased, the point to be made wasnā€™t made clear enough in my comment. Using neither university speak, nor a dullard ABC approach to get the point across, hopefully trying to get it to land somewhere in middle ground, it is easy to see why threads can sometimes, unavoidably veer off topic.

If itemising as follows, it might help my original post to make more sense:

  1. The Cheaters thread was utilised because it is them, and no other, that are participating in both, early kick-off games mentioned.
  2. Nowhere was it mentioned, nor intimated, that the timelines for each game, brought an advantage, or disadvantage to either side - (that can be subject to another thread at another time maybe).
  3. The Greater Manchester Police, cited their request for an early kick-off of 12.30 against LFC, be that immediately after the International break, is immaterial hereā€¦ when considering the reason/s they gave over for their request - Thus being, ā€œAfter the ā€˜cup of coinsā€™ throwing incident at this fixture last season, an early kick-off time curtails the opportunity for match going fans to become inebriatedā€ā€¦!
  4. The Manchester derby, with (early) kick-off time again being subject to the request and requirement agreement of The Greater Manchester Policeā€¦ have granted a later start time of the match than the time LFC was subjected to.
  5. The reason for curtailing pre game drinking they bashed us over the head with, seems to have been a non-consideration, when deciding the granted timeline for this game.

To me, it clearly shows, two games of similar ā€˜hostilityā€™, yet two differing sets of rules have been appliedā€¦ even though, it has been well documented and evidenced, the Man Utd fans, not long ago,
while not throwing a ā€˜cup of coinsā€™, smashed down their own ā€˜locked downā€™ access points at Old Trafford to gain access, and cause criminal damage within the stadium.
As above, it is mentioned - The Fuckers, not The Cheaters, The Fuckers (Greater Manchester Police), just make the rules up as they go alongā€¦ Again, to me, what other reason could there be for applying different rules, to what is, the same scenarioā€¦!


115 charges. (And presumably more that could be brought in the years since the time frame we are looking at, only we donā€™t have evidence).

Thatā€™s the only story for Man City.

Everything they have done is illegitimate, because it is built on cheating. Even if they now run a tight ship and the enterprise pays for itself within the rules (I doubt that they do, but letā€™s concede that point) it is still illegitimate, because it came about after the injection of an enormous amount of external funds not allowed under the rules.

I havenā€™t got a clue how the authorities will deal with it, but the punishment needs to fit the crime. So for example, if they won titles because of cheating, strip them away.

And if the cheating went on for years, the punishment should too. They should not be allowed to have, say, ten successful seasons and then only one unsuccessful season, due to a points deduction.

They are a sham. Itā€™s all meaningless as it is based on cheating.

We either have a competition or we donā€™t. The Prem needs to be strong and if not, hopefully something else emerges and the Prem is bypassed.


Can we we a charge against fashion to the other 115 charges they are facing?


That cardigan is 116


Man City should complain in regards to the early kick off time as it favours us, as we are more aclimatised to it as we are use to playing at 12:30, favouritism :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I think we get the 12.30 so often because we have a big fanbase that guarantees viewers and we have an appealing style to a neutral.

Man City in contrast donā€™t have a large loyal fanbase and, despite all the praise they get for their football, are boring to watch so many neutrals wonā€™t bother.


Yeah, thatā€™s the first reason that poppped up to my mind. In last years, it was really City and us hitting the best level of football in the league. And compared to them, we are a much bigger club worldwide.

VAR pulling out all the stops to help these cunts by awarding the penalty.
That type of foul happens at every corner at every ground and goes unpunished 99% of the time.

Sickening favouritism.


Despite the penalty decision, Utd were lucky it wasnā€™t 6-0.

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I wonder what non-Premier League engagements the VAR had recently, anyone know?

12:30 is a convenient time for the Asian market.