Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

I think Cheaters will receive a 11 points deduction. PL will project it as the most severe punishment in the history of English football.

The refrees will continue to bail them out and the Cheaters will comfortably finish in the top four.

if Man City were to be stripped off the titles they won,

could the FA, EPL only strip them of domestic titles?

Would it need to be UEFA that strips them of the Champos League?

All charges relate to the past I believe so no on the CL as the charges were made before it.

I believe some of this is related to the stuff UEFA found them guilty of previous but had some silly time bound thing on it. Hopefully that’s not the case with PL

Three clubs are looking at suing Everton, could you imagine the ramifications to City ?

Realistically the only option is to strip them of their titles coupled with relegation.

The punishment need to be so harsh that the PL can stop a legal mess eventuating. That means placating the big 4/5. I can’t see them asking for anything less.


I honestly can’t see how that stacks up. Clubs have been relegated for less. There needs to be some proportionality with the Everton ruling surely? I’d properly kick off if I were an Everton CEO and City only get a 20 point deduction.

I’ll agree with Stone Age. It’s Ice Age or nothing…

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They’re not going to get stripped of anything. A points deduction maybe, that they’ll try and tie in litigation for years.

Everyone will be disappointed, there is no reckoning coming.


hope your wrong!

if they hadnt cheated FFP they wouldnt have eventually won the CL.

the whole empire is built upon cheating,


True but the problem lies in the situation with the previous case.

The best we will see is a points deduction and that they label of cheating to get where they are now should follow them forever more.

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It won’t though. Pundits will still rave about Pep and how he has revolutionised football

You and I won’t. You can’t be disappointed if you expect nothing.


I’m not sure they have the avenues? The PL ruling is not open to CAS oversight.

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It won’t be a multiple season deduction. I can’t think of a precedent for that anywhere. Probably 25-30 points, which would not likely be enough for relegation but keep them safely out of the European spaces. I think it is unrealistic to expect much more.

There’s no precedent for this level of cheating though is there?

to keep Man City out of European place it will need to be at least a 40 point deduction

also, a one season points deduction to keep them out of a European place after years of cheating, which helped them win title after title doesnt seem much of a deterrent to the next state funded organisation that fancies buying a EPL club and cheating its way to success.

the rewards seems to out weigh the punishment, if they only get a 1 season points deduction.


At this point, that is what is going to happen. City now has huge legitimate revenue streams, a wide international following, and will be able to bounce back. If their cheating had been addressed 7-8 years ago, it might have been otherwise.

…and yes, that will be noted in Saudi Arabia.


I just really hope you’re wrong about this.

I agree it’s been left too long and that makes it all the more difficult but they need to be made an example of.

Otherwise we might as well open the door, bin FFP, take a lawsuit from Everton, pay them off and shove a stick up your ass and let football become the whacky races.

Well, the one caveat to that is if City is sanctioned, and Everton has already been sanctioned, City might end up with a one-time ‘first mover’ advantage, where al-Toon will see a much faster tempo to enforcement and sanction.

Looking across all sport, and in particular the history of cost containment in North American sport, cheaters often get some advantage from exploits, workarounds or schemes. Clear violations of the spirit of the regulation, with the resultant sanctions not being proportionate to the benefit. But that pathway is then closed.


There is no precedent for what City and Chelsea have done either. The PL could set a very strong deterrent here and make an example out of both of them. Realistically speaking it won’t come to that, but the PL could come to regret its leniency in the not so distant future. City, if left unchecked, will turn the most prestigious football league in the world into the English equivalent of Ligue 1 and Bundesliga.

It’s also interesting to see how Liverpool will react if and when City’s punishment is limited to a relatively harmless points deduction. Would we resort to the courts for damages and lost revenue following an already set precedent? I would hope so but I wouldn’t expect it.