Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)


Haaland acting like a spoilt child


If that was anyone other than a player playing for Manchester or state-owned clubs, I’d have a lot of sympathy and understanding. Such decisions cost us three titles over the last ten years. So, no, you fully deserve it, you spoilt brat and your corrupt, soul-sucking cesspit of a club.



I think Arsenal are much better than they are getting credit for, perhaps because Arteta is going full-on Pep when things aren’t going his way and because people are too busy criticising Havertz instead of focusing on, say, their defence (which is the best in the league) or their attack, which is firing even in Jesus’ absence. Saliba, Rice and Saka are something else, though I admire Odegaard and Martinelli a lot as well. I hope that the added burden of playing CL football and goalkeeper situation might derail their title bid but it hasn’t happened so far.

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We’ve got the second best record. Against Spurs and Chelsea they’ve looked off and they really struggled against Man Utd I don’t think they are all that but still they lead the league so kudos to them.


I get where you’re coming from, but I honestly cannot remember a hissy fit like this one.

He’s acting like my four-year-old.

Suck shit coz it’s City, but a massive lol for taking it so badly.


Who was he directing that towards? I could not see in that clip

Haaland is a remarkably ugly man. Very odd, because Haaland père is nowhere near that repulsive, and as I recall his wife was quite attractive.


You can mix the two and get a really odd looking fella and that’s what you have here.

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Really poor behaviour from Haaland. There would’ve been many young City fans watching him repeatedly tell the officials to ‘fuck off’ and get away with it. He must be given a ban.

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Well…at least a couple…


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Yes, it is in the worst category of referee abuse, because it is purely and simply because of an error. That should have been an advantage call, I am sure the referee knows that, but he made a judgement in the moment thinking Haaland had gone down and blew the whistle. Once the whistle has gone, there is nothing that can be done.


mood GIF

Fabulous error from the ref.

Proof that they’re all corrupt


Didn’t van Dijk get a suspension for swearing at the ref?


I’ve watched it a few times now.

Ok…mistake, sure.

But I’d bet my house on Grealish being shut down had play continued.

Our rogering v Spurs was a far bigger mistake.


Agreed. He’s like an old horse in mud

Same girth in the legs and arse, too.

I challenge anyone to find one other example of a referee signalling advantage, then stopping play to give the foul. You won’t find one in any professional game, anywhere in the world, at any point in the history of football. I guarantee that you won’t find one.

Good to see they haven’t resorted to hyperbole over on the Loon.

Would love it.

Howe about crouding the referee …