Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Haaland needs a ban. That ugly robot blew a fuse!

Spurs win friends with their pleasant manager and have a go style.

It looks like a three way fight for the Prem, with a decent sized group just back from the top trio.

didnt watch the game, i assumed the way the coverage is going the ball was in the back of the net…is this all over the grealish (not even) through on goal moment or have i missed something?

christ on a bike. whats fucking wrong with people.

Grealish is not all that fast. I think the defender shuts him down. It is not going to be a 1v1 with the keeper.

Still, those cheats can feel the fume, and hopefully Haaland will get a ban.

You’d think it was a penalty or a cast iron goal the way they are reacting.

Anyhow :joy:

at least he didnt go all Virgil on the guy and remained respectful, or worse violently threw the ball back into play like TAA…

he would have been justified to do so if he had though…the ref litterally blew for a foul on him…of all the injustices…


This is actually quite sedate for that joint.

Many posts use language the Nazis would be proud of.

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Cry all they want the cheats ,


It was a dreadful mistake…maybe Hooper thought Grealish was offside and the advantage would have been useless?

Whatever, the decision was awful. But and its a big one, Grealish still had work to do to score. One way or other fuck them.

I can only imagine this one instance being used to show how equitable the refs are in the future.
Bad decision against Liverpool, “yeah but what about City vs Spurs” …

That one bad decision makes the world seem fair. Its not. And once again, fuck them.

Lets see if Haaland gets a ban? Doubt it very much…

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That’s what I was thinking but the assistant ref didn’t show any sign of flagging it. Unless someone said something in his earpiece?

We’ve still got the disallowed goal at Spurs, which was infinitely worse than yesterday’s decision.


I don’t think it’s as bad as the referee deciding to blow the whistle ten seconds early with Sadio Mane through on goal.

Grealish has three players around him. If any of them foul him it isn’t a DOGSO.

The ‘unfortunate’ thing for Hooper is that this is about the third major fuck up that has directly benefitted Spurs against a top four rival.


Can someone explain the hysteria to a neophyte like myself…

IFAB’s own website says…‘The referee can wait a few seconds to allow a possible advantage to develop, and if the non-offending team does not benefit and gains no advantage, the original free kick can be given.’

From where Hooper was, it is entirely reasonable to surmise that Grealish appeared to be smack bang in the middle of three Spurs’ players. Surely in that split second the decision to land on ‘no benefit’ is not the worst decision since lead in petrol that everyone is making it out to be?


Every parent of young children is loving this…

‘If you don’t behave/eat your sprouts/go to sleep, Erling Haaland will come and eat you in the night.’


I hope it gets to their heads this one and they start getting worked up at Refs.

Throw the book at Erling for being a massive pussy-o diva too.

Haaland should learn from Klopp. No words towards the ref, just intimidation.


Is it only me that’s twisting and distorting their face like Klopp in the video when they watch this?

He knew that the Spurs players would run him down, and Grealish would dive as soon as he got into the box, so he wanted to avoid that decision.

The white Shrek