Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

What’s been said?

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West Ham was a strange one. We’d just come back from our warm weather break and half the team were ill. I think Milner even travelled down on his own to avoid passing it on. I’ve often wondered how many of them were under the weather.
As for the Leicester game we were fucked over by Atkinson. 3 decisions that night cost us the points and ultimately the title.
We could say the same about the game at the Etihad and Taylor. That was all around the time of the great debate on whether it was incompetence or corruption. I think what we’re witnessing this season (and to a lesser extent last season) backs up the corruption argument.


You have to feel bad for covid having to stay with Kyle Wanker for ten days.


How many tested positive for Rona pep?


Jeez. This GIF is going to haunt Pep till…well, no one knows :stuck_out_tongue:



That will never grow old. Never. I’d even consider playing it at my funeral.


Hooker time.



So clearly their players haven’t been following protocols and now they get a chance to wait for everyone to recover before they have to play Everton.

Can’t understand why they aren’t doing what they’re doing in rugby. If games can’t be played due to Covid the team with the team not suffering from issues getting 4 points and the team with the issues getting 2.


Make them fortfit the game and dock them points like what the fa did with Middlesborogh back in 96/97 when they postponed a game due to a lack of fit players.


How long before they start complaining of a fixture pile up?

To be honest they are only missing Garcia due to non Covid.

I’m not too bothered as Everton seem to have more injuries.

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Shit themselves because they would have had to play the kids. Bunch of pussies.


Dock both clubs 6 points each.


So Cheaty cheating, again. Why am I not surprised!


I’m mixed on this. I want caution to help stop the spread of the virus, so ultimately I think the decision is right, but the circumstances leading up to it are all wrong.

City burst their own protective bubble so there should be a consequence for that, but it looks like they get to call a ‘do over’ for when they feel like they can put enough top quality players out there.

On that point, they are the richest team in the Prem, and have players several levels deep. Surely they can put a team out on the pitch to represent the club and fulfill their fixture obligation?

Other clubs have fielded weakened teams due to covid. Indeed, at one time or another we have had a number of top players unavailable because of the virus.

As a public health matter I appreciate the caution and grudgingly accept the decision to postpone. But it is unsatisfactory. At the very least this is partially Man City’s own fault, but they appear to not only avoid punishment for that, but are also being rewarded with a competitive advantage by being allowed the time they feel they need to get a healthy team on the pitch.

One of the hallmarks of the season has been that everyone has had to get a team out there to play, by hook or by crook. Klopp hasn’t been happy about it, but it has been required of him, and that’s what we have done, to the detriment of reaching our usual level in many games.

But now Man City get to effectively call a time out, because they want to wait for more favorable circumstances?




Imagine we turned up tonight with positive staff members in the squad, passed it on to someone like Ancelotti who ended up in ICU or in the death stats in 2 weeks? The postponement is responsible and proportional and all the news coverage should be wishing us well and thanking us for following the protocols properly, but no. Bitter malevolent cunts.

All hail Citeh!


Hysterical comments like that are fucking hilarious, as if it’s not bad enough they have to defend their ill gotten trophy collection now they think they have hysterically defend everything,muppets.