Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

There are City fans in India but while I see Liverpool/ arsenal fans wearing the colourswith pride , I dont see City fans wearing the same.

Guess they are too ashamed to admit they are City fans. Probably the same goes for rest of the world as well. The vermin do exist.

Without City, the Klopp era might never have happened, because Rodgers probably would have landed the first PL title for the club.

Unlikely if my memory serves me correctly.

Klopp had been a high target for FSG from day 1. They tried after sacking both Roy and Kenny, but Klopp was able to reject them without leaving them butthurt as he was still contracted to Dortmund and didnā€™t want to upset them. They then tried again in the summer of '15 but he needed time to recharge and spend time with family. Then when they sacked Rodgers in October it made sense for them to go after him again as he was free at the time.

My impression is that they were only keeping Rodgers as long as Klopp was at Dortmund as he was the one they were desperate to sign

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Itā€™s anecdotal, but it helps build a picture. Here in the Midwest I see a fair amount of Man City fans. When I went to the pub to watch Liverpool, there were a number of Man City shirts (about a third of Liverpool). It was a Liverpool supporters pub.

Among the footballing kids I see, quite a lot of them have Man City shirts and support them. My lad is fighting the good fight and explains to loads of his peers how Man City have cheated and are not worth following because of it. He has got quite a few to listen, and some have said letā€™s see the outcome of the 115 charges then.

A lot is riding on the Prem doing its job here. If the punishment is minor, or swept under the rug, one of the implications will be a legitimized and growing global fan base. If they are suitably punished, a lot of fair weather fans might move on from them, and rightly so if they do.

Question is how long would it have kept him safe.

What Iā€™ve said with Alonso the club will give whoever time to get it right.

Was also talk that Klopp was an admirer of Beneteke and hence why we were happy to agree to that purchase.

Whoever decided that one was a bit err

There was never talk about Klopp being an admirer of Benteke. That was the club giving into Rodgers. Iā€™m not sure where that narrative came in but would be glad to be proven wrong

Klopp wanted Firmino when Bobby was there in Hoffenheim.

I said there was a narrative and Iā€™m not particularly sure why they wasted 30m on a player for a manager who they wanted to sack.

Not saying itā€™s true, it doesnā€™t make a lot of sense but nethier does keeping Rodgers happy.

Benteke at that time had some potential upside and there was little risk to the transfer considering there were always going to be takers for a big strong target man among the lower premier league clubs.

I think it was a calculated risk taken by FSG in that regard to sanction the transfer. At that time Rodgers still had some credit in the bank in their books atleast and his needs were accomodated to some extent even if it meant that Benteke was bait to get Rodgers to agree for the Bobby transfer (which was an Edwards transfer).

Yeah, I think us buying Benteke had absolutely nothing to do with Klopp, or any of our moves that summer.

Just want us to avoid any kind of ā€œDjibril Cisse situationā€ before a new manager comes in and Iā€™m fine.

Just realized weā€™re talking about this in the City thread.



I was just saying that there was a narrative out there.

Iā€™m not sure they were 100% going sack Rodgers, I think the ā€œI need the right toolsā€ speech after just about being Villa turned it and then the draw to Sion sealed it apparently.

Donā€™t remember that one.

But yeah, media, fans and narrativesā€¦ a sea of theories.


re City fans

I coach a u-10 team, none of those kids know whatā€™s going on with City but they see a dynasty and they jump on board with the success. I believe they call it ā€œthe bandwagonā€.


True, but it 100% convinced me that Rodgers was clueless about building a team. Benteke was a tactical mismatch before he even set foot on the training pitch, let alone Anfield.

Wasnā€™t it one of my picks, against one of your picks with the fabled transfer committee?

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Then went on to sign Immobile, what a flop he was at Dortmund.


TBF the clue is in the name lol


Exactly. :slight_smile:

Can confirm.

It was full.

What an utter cunt!


In other news: bears shit in the woods.

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