Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)


Still a cunt.


Things would be different if a bigger club won it

Strongly disagree with this line though. It gives the impression that the ā€œbig clubsā€ are just jealous of their success. Itā€™s the bullshit you see from Newcastle fans now too. If this were true, people wouldnā€™t have been interested Leicester winning the league, or Leverkusen creating history now.

Truth is, people love a legitimate underdog. City are anything but that.


Wowā€¦lets see how many more join inā€¦

over-rated goalkeeper. He isnā€™t 20% of what Alisson brings to the table.


Also, City will get themselves a 80m or so dealā€¦ just so to balance the books.

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This, people loved Leicester winning and Leverkusen has been embraced by the wider football community.


Evra spoke up, and hopefully many more do.

Heā€™s not in PR but it could have done without the sentence about a bigger club. Thats not the issue, but Man City will pounce on that aspect, as their defence has often been to say the big clubs are trying to keep them out.

The issue, very clearly, is the lack of emotion/passion/heartā€¦ because it is rigged. Football is starting to reject a rigged club.

About time. (Though it has a long way to go)


and heā€™ll be on an absolute fortune over there compared to what city paid him.more cheating.

probably a large part of which is funded by City aka UAE

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exactly.when signing for city i have no doubt that the idea is to pay a certain amount to stay within the rules and when players leave they are given the ā€œopportunityā€ to play in uae with a substantial pay increase.

Did find that reaction odd a few weeks ago when he came off.

Maybe he knew he was off.

The sand sheiks need to be booted out of the game, the country and the world.


Maybe the real reason why the government wanted a regulator. We all thought it was because the PL couldnā€™t handle their own shit, but now its maybe wanting to control the regulator so they can punish city a stern wrist slapping.

But he brings thuggery to the game :blush:

The refs donā€™t book him because heā€™s so bad at reading the gameā€¦ And because theyā€™ve got their cheques cashed in.

They did it so Rishi could claim he liked football it seemed and do some awful graphics.

Gimmicky shit from a Gimmick PM.

Also , I speak for most Indian people when I say heā€™s fully yours. We donā€™t want any part of him , Patel or the other bird whatshername.