Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

He is a reputed journalist at the Times.


Thanks. Well, that seems to indicate that the tide is turning. Until now, it seemed that they could come away with whatever they were doing, at least as far as the media were concerned (and for a large part, the authorities as well). This seems to hopefully indicate a change of tack. Maybe they’ll finally get the public contempt they deserve.


The media in the UK have a very long and healthy tradition of building something up so they can tear it down more spectacularly. Hopefully that is what is at play here. I’ve often wondered how the press can gush about these cunts for years without ever putting their success* into context.


This article outllines my fears in the most concise manner. I’m afraid that this won’t be treated as a sports issue but as a political one - and I’m pretty sure, even as an outsider, a foreigner, that British government won’t be going head to head with UAE and their pet project…


You’ve got to wonder what, if these people are prepared to behave like this in a sector that is as publicly scrutinised as the Premier League, is privately going on in the boardrooms of other entities they have got their tentacles into over the last 30 years? Just how ‘over a barrel’ have they got other industries in the UK? “If you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas”.


On the other hand, the PL is hugely important to the UK, economically and in terms of image. Being home to the world’s best football league enhances the UK’s reputation in ways that money can’t buy.
The UK government would be well-advised to protect that asset to the utmost.


Why should the UK government be worried about pissing off a tin pot little hydrocarbon mirage in the sand state? If anything taking them to the cleaners would be a vote winner and confiscating their assets and kicking them out would help pay pay the bills. And they can’t stop those hydrocarbons being bought elsewhere or indirectly; ultimately their only ammunition is brown envelopes.

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Because of the many billions that “tin pot” state invests in the UK every year.

UAE investment in the UK is the only reason that City are allowed to win the league all the time.


Not too sure that is a worry, FIFA and EUFA have strong potocols in place to prevent government interference so if the UK government tried to block any punishment then the FA risk being banned. FA get banned would mean all English competitions lose their right to compete in any sanctioned tournement like Champions League.

FA would be within their rights to tell the government to fuck right off, and there is very little the government can do


The author is Matthew Syed. He is an educated man - Oxford University graduate, and a respected journalist and author. The casual reference to Mephistopheles reveals the classical education. Back in the day he was also the number one table tennis player in the UK for a number of years, competing at the Barcelona and Sydney Olympics.

If people like this are writing about Man City the way they are now, in respected broadsheets like The Times, I see that as a big sign that things are heating up. I don’t want to go as far as saying they are nearing conclusion, but it is starting to come into view.

Man City are in big trouble with the 115 charges. They are bringing this case against the Prem now to try to blow the whole thing up, and somewhat mitigate against the charges in the first case.

Why? Because they know they have been caught bang to rights, and do not have the clear proof of their innocence they claim they have. Their cheating has become more of a talking point, from pundits on TV, to respected journalists like Syed, as well as via companies like Paddy Power and Dominoes having a pop through their advertising.

It is crucial that they are defeated, and hopefully kicked out of the competition, to preserve it. If they beat the charges, and indeed prevail in the other case, all bets are off as to what will happen next.

At that point the game will be at war with itself. It’s not difficult to see a new thing emerging that will bypass Man City and other cheats. But it’s dangerous, as there is so much illicit money around that they can throw at it, the Saudis too, even more, that some clubs will be in danger of being bought off, even if it is bad for their own prospects.

Prediction: It could potentially splinter top level football, going down a path similar to golf, and the game won’t be the same again.

And we may see player movement, similar to LIV golf, where rich players decide to move across to the rival for obscene amounts of money.


“The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few” and so “we’ll let this slide if you favour us for the next three or four fat defence contracts”

Footy will survive or not. People will grumble and care a bit less about their team but does that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

That would then be going down the road of political inteference/influence and woudl see FIFA ban England from all FIFA competitions

Blueloon sez The Times printed the story earlier in the week to take the heat off the LFC and Standard Chartered…


“The red cartel will never allow your club to compete at the highest level.”

oh dear, that´s a bit trump-ish
:roll_eyes: :joy:


Of course football will survive, but the Premier League will become debased if it becomes non competitive. Of course rich clubs have always had the upper hand, but it’s the only major league in which, up until recent developments, half a dozen clubs had a realistic chance of winning.
It’s this, and it’s perceived lack of corruption, which have made it a major world brand. We may scoff, but other leagues lack the excitement and tension of the EPL.
This creates a positive image of the UK globally which is hugely advantageous for the country.

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Maybe, who knowns. For me football (like all sports) will die out in the long term - the lure of screens is just too powerful.

p.s. I am all for throwing the book at them, indeed a whole library or 3 (building and books)!


so fucking what. The ‘investments’ by the tin pot are either hurting the country or can be readily replaced. Stop listening to tin pot dictators.

Do you believe I’m taking their side? You must have missed my many posts to the contrary over the years.

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Calling them cheating bastards will be like a badge of honour to those owners. On the other hand though, if fans across the country, at every game, can turn them into a laughing stock, then I suspect that will really get to them… It could well be the fans, at the end of the day, will be the only ones that can save this juggernaut from flattening football as we know it…