Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

You seem to be taking some great offense at the label being applied to man City

Too fucking right.


No argument here. Of course they are cheats!

When it comes to labelling someone cynical…it’s a case of the highlander narrative


This is an odd move.

19 year old West Ham striker leaves after letting his contract run down over dissatisfaction of lack of first team opportunities. I don’t know him, but he seems to have good pedigree as leader of a succesful youth team at west ham (won the youth cup where he was top scorer), an England U20 international and made 12 appearances last season. I guess that is just the dilemma prem clubs with talented youngsters who have potential and have outgrown youth football, but don’t seem quite ready.

Except he is now expected to sign for City. Where he will play for their reserves/U21s. He surely cannot expect many (any?) first team opportunities, even with Alvarez gone. Do City just pay their kids that much more to justify staying in youth football and hoping to get a prem move in a couple of years rather than trying to find a move to a senior side (championship?) now?

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Yes, but they do also have a good track record of getting players high levels moves after leaving the club.

But in this case I suspect that he could have found a Championship club to start at without much problem - but Man City will likely be paying significantly more.


Do you have any thoughts about him? Is he likely to be considered for cup games or as any sort of back up to Halaand?

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I like him actually, he’s a big bully of a CF so I thought he was a perfect player to transition into the Michel Antonio role for West Ham. I think Man City’s interest in him is probably as a shadow Haaland for training purposes. Give the U21 side someone to play off who can do some of the same things Haaland can. Maybe get him up to the first team training so that Haaland can have some extra time off.

I don’t think he can break through at City though he’s not really technical enough. Haaland gets away with it because of everything else he brings to the team but Mubama is not the same level of talent. He’ll find a level similar to that of Ellis Simms eventually I think - Championship and maybe lower PL.

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Oh no. Gündogan returns.

Got a feeling he will be Guardiola’s successor one day.

Weird story. Stories starting circulating last weekend after he was left out of the squad for the first game, but it had already been reported he was not going to be able for that game due to a head injury he took in their previous pre-season game. So I blew it off as 2+2=7 pre-season reporting, but may well actually be true.

If it is true you have to imagine there is some history with Flick that made him want to peace out.

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Or they have to get rid of players to make enough room to register new ones.


Chelsea on the Llobregat…you would think that after what is now years of this conduct, players would be a little more careful of making the move to Barcelona. If you are not a success by November, you are probably going to be hearing transfer rumours by January.


Yeah, you can understand that for Barca, even for as well as he did last year, it might be attractive to get his salary off the books to enable them to register Olmo. I just find it interesting he is seemly cool with it given how much drove the move last year in the first place.

Hasnt Cancelo gone back to City too?

Sort of, but all parties are still trying to find him somewhere else to go. There were stories of a huge contract being offered by one of the Saudi sides.

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Grealish looks like that all the time.


Did he even know he’d left?