Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

It looks like he hasn’t sobered up since Gundogan left

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Interesting. I wonder if this can bring UEFA’s case back to life.

I would be okay with the expulsion of City from the football league and the expungement of their title wins.

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Nah, that is no longer enough. I want HMRC to wind the club up, jail anyone and everyone that has any sort of connection to the grubby lying cunts and before allowing Pep to be taken away in chains, he must crawl across Anfield, present himself infront of the Kopp, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse.


Thats the thing they were never cleared of the UEFA charges like City supporters like to believe. CAS ruled that were unenforceable due to been time bound.


… and Pep likes to vocalise.


All jokes aside, I definitely want a thorough HMRC investigation into this and bans for those involved in perpetrating this from any activity in football again.


Also, if players are complicit, full force of the law for any tax fraud, and permanent bans from football. Even if our own Milner is implicated.


He gets a pardon for leaving that shithole quickly. Sterling can get the added punishment.

I’d forgot about the time thing. New evidence probably means nothing anymore.

Only way you stop them in Europe is to put them in a position where they dont qualify.

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No. If he’s committed fraud he pays for that fraud.


Who said anything about joking? :joy:

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The mighty Foxes of Leicester have won an appeal against their adverse PSR decision.

I hope the PL had their real lawyers working on the 115 and not the summer interns.


So they avoided it by being relegated.

I assume Man City will appeal it based on the fact they may be relegated.

Football is finished to be honest.

Someone should look at the independent panels bank accounts and any transactions.

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There is no point speculating on these cases without being aware of the details. The City allegations (hiding payments, refusing to cooperate) are totally different to what Leicester were accused of (breaching their spending limits).


Do UEFA still have the 5 year time bar loophole in place or did they close that loophole?

It’s a moot point anyway as UEFA has kind of set a precedent that they won’t retroactively apply the rules after they change them (see CFC).

Not sure to be honest. Ì’ll admit I lost a lot of interest after City twisted the CAS process and hearing to suit themselves.

From what I have read, Leicester appear to have avoided punishment by changing the start/end dates of their financial year that moved some of their excess spending to a previous period. While this seems to me, a know nothing, like an obviously dodgy accounting trick it is seemingly acceptable. It doesnt seem to have any baring on how a set of unrelated spending/obstruction/fraud charges will be approached.