Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

La Liga you could argue always has at periods the best players and yet it’s never been able to fully erode the PL.

Perhaps it’s just that, outside El Clasico you’ve got RM and Barca games every week.

You’ve probably got a tasty PL game every week. Not to mention at least 5 saleable clubs, It’s also in English that’s going help that market. Though as demographics change does that dynamic shift.

I think the big issue for La Liga is the fact that Barcelona and Real Madrid control the TV Revenue break down, so you might get a Valencia or Athletico Madrid that can put a team together to challange for 2-3 seasons, but will end up having their best players poached as they can’t compete with the wages that the big 2, and other foreign teams can offer.

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This has shifted though in recent years I still can’t see any other teams getting a foot hold and a few have tried.

Yeah, nothing illustrates the problems the best of the rest in Spain face than a good Seville side being forced to accept losing a lynchpin of their midfield (Chile captain, Gary Medal) to a newly promoted and almost certain to get immediately relegated Cardiff side.


As I said they changed it a few years back so it became more generous but it hasn’t changed much.

Bar Barca seem to be fucked all the time and get a let off.

I assume it’s illustrated by changing from UNICEF to Spotify as a sponsor

Cheat and you’ll lose what you got through cheating as well as further punishments to make it so you don’t cheat again.

Irrespective of what punishment is given ,city will still have gained from what they have done.They are no longer seen as the 2nd or 3rd team from Manchester ,they are now a destination for managers and players of a calibre they would have had no hope of attracting 15 yrs ago.
From their fans point of view the memories of what the got and the games they played are still there and that won’t have been tarnished in their eyes .


Their cheating was multiple years in the making, with multiple years of illegitimate trophies amassed.

The punishment should hurt them for multiple years too, and if it does not, then it will be unjust.

Hopefully they are relegated and have all trophies stripped. I would like to see them awarded to the runner up, though obviously it won’t replace the sense of triumph the runner up would have experienced, had they won in real time.

Relegation. Trophies stripped. Let’s keep going.

Financial recompense for those who were wronged? An old adage of sport is that winning breeds more winning, and it certainly breeds more income. How many millions were stolen from other teams due to Man City cheating? It can’t be beyond someone to come up with some sort of formula, to compensate teams and individual players.

Let’s keep going. Relegation. Trophies stripped. Financial penalties with large sums awarded to others. What else?

At that point, I don’t know the mechanism of the Football League, but why do they automatically want a cheating Man City team to reside among their ranks? Maybe they will start Man City at the bottom of their pile, so they have to win multiple promotions to get back to the Premier League?

Or as was mentioned above, maybe Man City won’t pass the Football League’s own financial tests, and will fall foul of that, as they fall down the divisions?

Since they are financial cheaters, they should accept that in future their books need to be opened to forensic accountants. They will also need to cooperate wholly, and on time, moving forward. Any slight dragging of the heels should be met with the assumption they are up to no good, and they should be punished again.

I am slightly encouraged by the way the talk is going, per Athletic article. If Man City aren’t hit with very severe sanctions, I think a huge revolt is on the cards. For the good of its own game, the authorities need to do the right thing. Finally.

Full article for everyone:


Not saying they shouldn’t get further punishment. I just wanted to make the point on the Trophies as the article doesn’t particularly seem to be going after them.

Oh, make no mistake, they will. We live in a bad world, much bigger crimes have gone unpunished, and these lot have all the money in the world to make any accusations go away. Just look at the way they defended themselves against expulsion from Champions League.


YES HE DID IT! Let’s hope his influence extends to all of Manchester at least.

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My son said today he wants to support City as well as Liverpool cos all the kids in his class like City. Get them relegated asap!


Sorry luv’ we gotta make another, this one’s no good!


Tell them Everton were once good and success is fleeting.


Education system in this country has gone to shit


What is the UK’s return policy for defective kids?


He needs a time out. No more privileges etc etc

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Your jovial post does raise a valid point, which is rarely raised. Success brings popularity, increases your exposure/profile, your commercial value. If they are found guilty of cheating, it is impossible to punish the long term benefits. Increased fan base, global branding, being part of history even if it be for the wrong reasons. Infact, if they were relegated they would still get a lot of media attention/empathy as to how they bounce back.

I was born in the early 80s and became a Liverpool fan, because everyone in the street was. All because we were successful and this is happening with City now. Even if they were to retain only 10% of their new fan base across the world, it’s still an awful lot, even more so if you include generational fans - Children supporting their parents team.

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My niece is married to Jack Cork, formerly of Chelsea. Southampton and currently at Burnley and both their sons are City fans, with Harland their fave player.

Just shows how success works for littlies in who and why the watch/support/follow a team


My neighbours’ son has just turned nine. His parents aren’t into football, so I made sure he’s a Liverpool fan by buying him loads of Reds stuff as soon as he began to express an interest in football.

He tells me all his friends support Man City and Arsenal, so I have to keep reminding him of why Liverpool are the greatest team in the land.

It was quite funny when he told me about his City friends celebrating when they won the league in May. He simply showed them six fingers, as I had taught him.

He then had to explain it to them.