Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

I’m talking being put at the bottom of the football pyramid, not just relegation to the Championship.

No PL football, no CL football for years at best.

In fact, just throw them out. No football at all.

Rangers were dropped to the lowest tier in the Scottish league.


This is what should be done as well as taking back all they have cheated their way to.Even with these things taken from them they will still be in a better place than they would have been had they followed the rules.

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Weren’t Rangers technically liquidated, not demoted? Actually, I would be fine with City getting similar plus retroactive points deductions.


Their SFA membership was transferred after they were liquidated and the SFA/SPL wanted them to be parachuted into the first division of the SFL (effectively 2nd tier). The SFL clubs weren’t having that and agreed to have them as a new club in the 3rd division (4th tier). Since then, there has been a promotion/relegation between the SFL and highland/lowland leagues, so if it was to happen now they may be sent down to argue their case with the Junior leagues.


The big difference though, is Rangers are a traditionally massive club in Scotland, so their supporter base was always going to play a big role in boosting ticket sales compared to other clubs at that level, so would have more cash to use on transfers.

I bet if City were to be kicked out of the Football League, they would lose all their sponsors, the stadium deal, fans would ditch them so they would maybe get back up a couple of leagues, but it would likely plataue out around League One/Championship.

If the outcome in early 2025 is some form of relegation, what happens with them for the rest of this season?

When they were in the 3rd division, they averaged 28,261. That was in a 35,000 capacity stadium:

I suspect that they have a residual traditional support. I suppose that the strange thing is that they practically have to give away tickets with all their success.

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I wonder how much of that is because the traditional fans are turned off by the sport-washing?

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1.Drop to the lowest tier.

2.Force the club to be sold (including the amount recieved for the players that were sold) with the money split among the club’s that were affected.

  1. Strip them off their trophies.

[quote=“aussielad, post:9523, topic:262, full:true”]
The big difference though, is Rangers are a traditionally massive club in Scotland, so their supporter base was always going to play a big role in boosting ticket sales compared to other clubs at that level, so would have more cash to use on transfers.

I bet if City were to be kicked out of the Football League, they would lose all their sponsors, the stadium deal, fans would ditch them so they would maybe get back up a couple of leagues, but it would likely plataue out around League One/Championship.

Just be aware on this story expect it to change from day to day. Man City sources are their bad faith actors will be doing everything to discredit it.

The word ‘if’ appears too much…sounds like a forgone conclusion…

I hope they are hit hard, but even if they are, they will continue to drag it on through every means possible. When all is said and done I’d like to see the following:

  • Expulsion from the Premier League
  • The football league including them, but starting at the bottom of their pyramid (so now fourth level)
  • Huge fines and a panel set up to pay clubs affected - this part could get complicated, but lots of people were cheated out of deserved earnings and Man City should pay
  • Titles stripped and awarded to the runner up - the new winners will miss the euphoria that comes with victory, so there will still be a sense in which they were cheated, but awarding titles to runners up will be part of righting the wrongs inflicted by Man City
  • As a condition of re-entry to the Premier League, assuming Man City win promotions to get back up, they have to agree to open books and forensic accountants approving their finances, due to a lack of trust. If they will not do this, re-entry to the Premier League is forfeited.
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No. They should get dissolved. If the allegations are true, then surely it constitutes fraud.

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Slap on wrists…don’t do it again…pay an amount of money to charities…but carry on regardless…no faith in this investigation at all…but that’s my cynical brain working overtime…

I agree with all your points bar this one. Just strike those titles off, no one won them. Leave them as a gap in the record for all to see when the PL sold its soul and City royally took the piss.


In a way that’s my feeling as well.

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Nah I’ll take the 2 additional league titles. We earned them with 90+ points and playing some of the best football I’ve ever seen. I don’t give a shit if other fans put an asterisk beside them. We know we were the true champions


Maybe the compromise is to put an asterisk next to the new team that is awarded the title? That way the runner up gets the prize they should have won, but there will forever be an asterisk stain on the record books in those years, pointing to Man City’s cheating.

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Nah. There shouldn’t ever be an asterisk attached to legitimate winners.

Only to cheats.