Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Call me petty but I have no interest in seeing Solskjaer and Arteta be Premier League winning managers.

Also, can I just point out that if we’re awarding the league titles to the runner ups, United would get 2 more as well?


The main point is Man City are stripped of titles, along with all the other punishments listed.

What happens to the titles is then a fair point of discussion, and I do see both sides. Leave it blank with no winner? It’s a stark reminder of the cheating that happened. Or award the title to the runner up? On balance I’d rather do that, even if it also has some drawbacks.

I’d rather have the titles void. Let the world remember.


Remove their name from PL winner, and register it, forever on record and constant reminder, as a default season. Make them pay out to each and every club, that put forward a genuine claim that their club lost out financially because of them.
Large points deduction, divvied across future seasons.

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My dad has identified the new anti-city conspiracy - the hearing starting the week City begin their CL campaign. Apparently De Bruyne will be arguing their case during the day at the hearing and then battling Inter at night. Or something


I thought the financial trickery/fraud charges period was 2009-2018. Don’t think Arsenal finished 2nd to City in that time. Bad luck Arteta.

No, when they announced the 115 charges I am sure some of the charges were including the year of the announcement, with those mostly related to effectively not being transparent, since they hadn’t yet had a chance to go through due diligence and identify any charges for that year.

That would also explain why the charge count has now increased to 130.

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As for retrospectively awarding titles, I just don’t agree with it. Certainly City must be stripped of their titles if found guilty.

But the entire events of those seasons were defined by City’s cheating. And history absolutely would not have played out the same had teams simply removed their home and away match against City. How would have teams reacted differently coming up against United, Arsenal, Liverpool one week if they hadn’t received a spanking from City the week before? I truly believe in season momentum and you can’t act as if that would have been exactly the same in an alternative universe where City’s 38 matches simply didn’t exist.

Put a strike through City’s wins. Relegate them to the bottom of the pyramid forcing the owners to sell their pet project. That part is key. I don’t want them down 1 division as that’s a slap on the wrists for the owners, as they’ll be back up the following season.

For me the club’s biggest crime is them basically laughing at the rulebook, subverting the rules and never admitting they did anything wrong. Allowing that to continue on the league is a terrible example. The PL needs to find a way to fuck the owners off ASAP.

I also don’t want City dissolved. Keep the club around but make them change their nefarious ways.


Honestly, not just the owners. A permanent ban from football for any of those involved.

I’d welcome the titles.

I think leaving the winner’s list blank worked for cycling, but pretty much the entire top 10 in the Lance years was doped to the gills.

Those are our titles, we earned them, fairly, and if Lego Pep or Pound Shop Gollum benefit, so be it.

Ole would probably sue United for giving him - a PL winning manager - the arse. Would be hilarious.


I’m ambivalent about it but push come to shove, I would lean towards the titles, if only to have Kloppo back…on an open top bus. He did said he would if we’re to be awarded retrospectively.

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Its hollow to me now. It means nothing. City have destroyed the competition.

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Nothing good will come of this (for us at least) but hypothetically, I’d take all of these titles with open arms, provided they also give us the one in 2014, just so that travelling Kop could sing “have you ever seen Gerrard win the league” at Chelsea or whichever ground Stevie was given dog’s abuse at.

It’s a shame that Man United, who were miles off Man City whenever they finished second, would profit from this, even Arsenal didn’t give them a proper run for their money but you have take the rough with the smooth, I guess. That said, these cunts will get away with it, maybe a hefty financial fine and that will be about it.

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Ironic statement given that it’s precisely the source of the money that’s the problem.

In any case, the argument can also be made that in a world without the cheating scum then the runners-up would rightly have been champions, even if it was because the rest of the league was shit.

But this is the point, United were still better than everyone else that season. City have distorted the league, expectations and league winning requirements to such an extreme it really isn’t a competition anymore.

The PL has become a joke.

Only 3 points deduction from 2013 onwards till 2023.

and then the entire book from now on.

Will stop United Arsenal getting the titles while also awarding us.

Yeah agree. Utterly pointless stripping City of titles and giving them to teams who came 2nd.

Those teams have missed winning it on the pitch, the celebrations, the parade etc.
It would be meaningless now.

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Strip City of titles. Doesn’t mean the teams who came 2nd need to get them.

Hate to break it to you but last season…

Really forget about all these semantics and just void those titles.


what happened in Italy when Juve had titles taken off them?