Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Stripped of one title, which was unassigned, and relegated for the second which went to Inter.

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Absolutely strip them from City but dont retrospectively award it to those that came second. Its gone, done.

Klopp said he would definitely celebrate them if awarded, if I remember well.


I strongly disagree. Award them. Let the fans/ clubs decide whether to celebrate them. I for one would.


I would put it to the other 19 Premier League clubs to vote if those titles should be reassigned to 2nd place or left vacant.

There are pros and cons for both, so let the clubs who make up the Premier League be the ones too have the final say

The charges relate to the period 2009-2018, so i assume any titles stripped would be those won during that period. Obviously, the damage is lasting, beyond that period.

Given the voting patterns of many of those clubs i dont think that would be a good idea - especially when some like West Ham called for our title winning season to be voided. Most have little skin in the game but may themselves benefitted by City’s transfer fees.

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It would make a difference to Klopp and the players who got cheated out of their hard-earned medals and the fans who didn’t get to celebrate with them.

I guess the IOC at the Olympics have got it all wrong then. Not awarding them to runner-ups is akin to not returning stolen goods to the rightful owner.

On a parallel note, I like how we’re discussing about stripping the cheats of their titles when by all accounts, it’s not even being considered.

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I’ll be celebrating with him. Don’t give a shit about how it affects Ole or Lego man


With a closed door process and a three person panel, my impression is details are very scant as to what is being considered. This in itself is potentially problematic, as the process isn’t open and we can’t follow what is happening.


There is a big difference to IOC, as they have never sold their soul to the drug manufacturers that supplied the drugs to enable the cheating.

The premier league sold it soul chasing the almighty $, so if they have to face the indignity or embarrasment of having 8 out of 10 titles declared null and void, then I am ok with that stain being there to serve as a reminder that football without fans is nothing.

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That is something that we won’t find out about until after the written verdict is released next year. But I bet once the ruling is handed down, and the panel release their written report, people from both sides will be looking to read it to find every scrap of information

Think they’ll somehow get away with all the charges and receive a ‘hefty’ fine and a point deduction for this season which probably will still be enough to win the league.

Think it will be a big fine that is a massive deterrent to other clubs but nothing to state-sponsored entities. Maybe a big enough point dedication to put them mid table this year but have no long term effect

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Unfortunately, a point deduction putting them midtable probably means the following year they go all in on the league title, with no real European competition to target.

In the first of those seasons Milan were the side in second and they were a subject in the scandal as well and so facing their own sanctions. The league seemingly thought a title awarded retrospectively to the second placed side was legit, but drew the line at having to go down as far as third to find a champion.

It is an interesting precedent at least.


For me the more interesting dilemma is not whether we’d feel like celebrating a retrospectively awarded title, but how we’d feel doing that for Rogers’ 13-14 season and getting none for Klopp


I’d see it as getting titles for Liverpool, not for any individuals. Though would be nice for Stevie


Yeah. I honestly don’t know how I’d feel about it. I know an Olympian who retrospectively was awarded a medal and even years after they have mixed feelings about it.

I think the stretch of time covered and the number of titles impacted makes it feel to me like leaving vacating them is the more likely outcome than retrospectively awarding them all. But even if the latter happens, people should be clear that Klopp’s second place finishes are all outside the (core) period being reviewed. I fully buy into the argument that the effects of the cheating carried over, but I think the move to legally punish those titles outside of the period being investigated in the primary charges is a huge move that seems to me incredibly unlikely to happen even if City get battered by the outcome.

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Breakings News :rotating_light:: Independent commission finds EVERTON guilty of Man City’s 115+ FFP charges