Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Is the correct answer.

Titles of which were robbed by the biggest cheats in the history of football.


[quote=ā€œredfanman, post:9562, topic:262, full:trueā€]]

I strongly disagree. Award them. Let the fans/ clubs decide whether to celebrate them. I for one would.

For me the issue then gets brushed under the carpet and fans of those clubs that lost out are effectively bought off and it basically gets forgotten.

This issue and how we got here should never be forgotten or brushed aside. It needs to stand as a stark reminder of the damage City have inflicted.

The PL will undoubtedly take the easy road.


The easy road would have been not bringing charges.

I donā€™t understand how anyone can suggest that there is a lack of willing from the Premier League.


Some of the reporting coming out the last couple of weeks have also presented a story that many of the leagueā€™s stakeholders are making it clear in private conversations with the league that they believe crippling sanctions are required. They are pursing this not just because they think it is the right thing to do, but in the interest of their other stakeholders who are making it clear, even if only privately, that it is what is needed. That latter piece removes a huge obstacle to pursing this with vigor.


People are probably just used to them getting away with so much for so long. I donā€™t blame them for feeling despondent after Klopp and the club were robbed of a golden era.
No matter what happens to them, they canā€™t restore the moments they stole.

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Question: how was the Lance Armstrong case settled? He was stripped off all his titles, but were they then attributed to those coming second? Iā€™d want to know that.

No one, apparently because they didnā€™t know how far they needed to go down in the ranking to find someone not doped.


You might want to overthink this: the time period for these charges is 2009 to 2018. During that time, Cheaty won three PL titles. We got second once, and the red mancs twiceā€¦ :wink:

Yes, this. If the winner is disqualified, the second place takes the gold.

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Iā€™d still take it. Even if they get away with the titles they won after the period, itā€™ll leave a massive stain on them and officially delegitimise everything theyā€™ve ā€œaccomplishedā€ since 2008.

Im not too bothered and Iā€™m not going celebrate stuff.

The moment and the period of excitement has passed. To me itā€™s just a record on paper.


I get this but there still needs to be consequences, although football as we knew it is probably permanently fucked anyway.

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Oh Iā€™d strip them of the titles and throw the book at them.

I donā€™t really care who gets them to be honest. Looking at the years under consideration since it just looks like weā€™d get screwed again.

A gap sort of sends a message.


Nothing will happen as they did against UEFA (they folded like origami) their lawyers will win the day easily our lot do not have the stomach for a long protracted battle.

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Was it not CAS who overturned UEFAā€™s punishment (3 season ban from European comps)?


They didnā€™t exactly fight that ruling and were quite happy to accept it.

They couldnā€™t fight it. CAS was the ultimate ruling body.

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While they canā€™t turn to CAS if this doesnā€™t go their way,can they bring a legal case like they did earlier this summer?

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I meant they will take the easy route when the shit storm hits no matter what the result of the trial is. Iā€™ve no doubt they will want to move on as quickly as possible and have it forgotten.

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I feel the same. Awarding the title to the second placed finisher in a way brushes what City did under the carpet. I want it to be there in bold letters that during this period, the competition became null and void, time wasted for all the other clubs, legitimate winners missing out on celebrating. Yep, leave the gap as a reminder to not let it happen again.

And this has nothing to do with United retrospectively being awarded two titles and us one. I donā€™t give a fuck about that shithouse club.