Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

And everyone laughed and applauded.

State of these cunts sometimes honestly :joy:


What if it’s not your bath?


Ha ha who’s she trying to kid? She hasn’t left her bedroom for 15 years the fucking minty cunt. 113000 posts, just think about that. Bet she fucking reeks.




4 Feb 2010




Between zen and mad

To be fair to Kaz that`s only 30 posts a day :thinking:
Every day for 10 and a half years :rofl:

Who`s got time for washing and leaving the house when you have that many intelligent comments to post on Blueloon.

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To be fair LFCEddie use to wrack that up in a day


Just a quick question about city, I know CAS fucked everyone bar city over but I thought the premier League was still doing some sort of investigation? Just wondering if anyone knows if that’s still on going?

Still ongoing but the concern is now about enforcement of any sanction.


Hmmm…just seen Thiago test positive for being the best midfielder in the world and they’re already trying to void the league.


That’s about the 3rd or 4th positive test they’ve had, I think the PL needs to make a move on how they deal with this as it could curtail the season what with the rise.

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The problem is all the tests at the moment seem to be eminatting from the 1 area.

Maybe that area needs to be nuked for the sake of the rest of the country?


The club whose players can’t stay away from working girls keep catching diseases.

I’m shocked.


Ant truth in the rumour that city have had Gundogans positive test turned to a negative by C.A.S?


The bunga bunga parties does that to ya. I tell you.


Got to admit having a squiz through the post-match threads on BlueMoon is a bit of a guilty pleasure…a bit like when you drive past a car crash…you don’t want to look…but morbid curiosity gets the better of me.
Fuck me are they toxic ! Its a constant barrage of bile and vitriol
…and talk about mood swings ! When they win they are the best team in the universe - when they lose its ‘Pep Out’
The difference between theirs and ours is honestly night and day.


Yeah lapse and lack of professionalism

Just checked the blue moon to see how they are looking at their game, man those lot are one depressing bunch. There’s a thread on top about ‘lack of enthusiasm’ which has multiple posts how we are the reason for the same. (Loved that lol). And since VAR they are not able to enjoy goals properly (again lol)

The lack of enthusiasm has a lot to do with Liverpool for me. I probably sound like a moaning fuck, but so be it. First game they were shite, but got a penalty that the new rules clearly states that shouldn’t have been given, and then an individual mistake gifts them the win late in the game and they win by 1 scrappy goal. Today, two individual mistakes gifted them a win again. And that’s just after 2 games. None of this would happen with City. The dippers get so many points that they absolutely do not deserve. They play shite so often but still get away with it, and have so for 2 full seasons now. Feels like we have to fight for every point, but Liverpool is just given them. The refs or the opponents always seem to find some creative way of handing it on a plate for them

But then the Liverpool thread is all about some asthama shit conspiracy theory, how two penalties and red card never happens in their favour, how it was not a red card, how our key players aren’t injured and it happens only to them, how Chelsea will turn up against them… blah blah.

Who needs a rich owner when your Liverpool and can raise 50- 100m every summer selling all your players surplus to requirement … everyone loves to help them out…FFS. Expecting grugic to go for 20m along with harry Wilson around the same figure.

Klopp played a blinder when he substituted the on field ref with the one in his pocket miles away in an office somewhere with a curly perm and tache to get the yellow card replaced with a red…inspired signing that VAR

It’s just odd in football, that if this was a pro cycling team the press/media would be accusing them of doping and reporters would be looking into it. Yet in football there doesnt seem to be the same attention paid to football teams. Can you imagine the out cry in cycling if one pro team had 63% of its team as asthmatics ?

It’s purely because of the money football spins.Any and all conspiricies or dirty secrets will and are brushed under the carpet OR released quietly and then the media will focus on something else to bury it (See these fuckers hacking into our scouting base and stealing info

Oh the irony in the last post :laughing: we have broken them… And bad! I forgot about the match thread which anyways I wasn’t able to locate, am done for the day!


Cheaty gone with Ake and Stones at the back; looks like Fernandinho is back in MF in a double pivot with Rodri.

Well, they will be three points up on last season’s corresponding fixtures after this one. It’s a shame that they got Wolves so early in the season but they were always going to be better this season. Bring them on, take the fight to them!

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Asthmatics? Must have missed the bus on this one, what conspiracy is this now?