Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

His record at Barcelona was exceptional. He made the most out of his inside knowledge of the club, and his winning record and development of exceptionally talented players was outstanding (he also helped to bring the best ‘doctors’ at the club, the same who were helping cyclers to perform better at the time… ^^).

But then, at Bayern? He took over from Heynckes, who had just won absolutely everything under the sun. He won the league, but that was just to be expected. His successor Flick has been more successful than him too. So, I’d call his tenure ok, without much more.

At City, he has done well, but like at Bayern, with so much competitive advantage over all other clubs that you can’t really make yourself an opinion.

At least, he professes a decent way of playing football (contrarily to Mourinho for instance). His way of playing at Barca was nauseating at times (tiki-taka-tiki-taka-tiki-taka-tiki-taka… bahh…), but he has adapted to the PL and his team of superstars play a half-decent style of football now. But that’s the only positive thing I’ll say about that bald ©ª€å†€®. :wink:


At Barcelona (337 million) and Bayern (197 million), he has worked on reasonable budget. However at City (923 million) he has spend lavishly. Question is, can he adapt to working on tight budget. If so, I can see him going to Juventus.

Another thing. I don’t see him leaving or allowed to leave before his contract expiry (2023). By then if another club is bought by some Sheikh or Oligarch or Chinese Consortium; then they will definitely tempt him.

I’d call his Bayern tenure almost perfect, minus winning the CL (which a lot of clubs/teams/managers/players failed to do, some in their entire career). 7 trophies in 3 years is pretty damn good, especially the way he walked over that league, which is the most important competition. Bread and butter, like our dear Shanks said.

Why does Juventus as a club not get the attention par examples with failures in the CL as one individual like Pep does? 2 CL’s in their entire history? 5 defeats in a row in finals? Huge club? Mentality giants of an Old Lady? Of course they are, regardless of that CL record.

I don’t know who are top managers then if he’s not part of the group and pretty high in that group. What are we trying to play here, cry over managers who can’t get a job at the top level, 90% of the time because of good enough reasons not to give them? You earn it, sometimes you start with different circumstances.

I’m open and curious, I would love to see more managers to do what he’s doing. A lot of them failed, sure there are some who need a chance and more luck/backing, some have done really well like Carlo par example.

Were the likes of Ferguson and Paisley frauds? Was Kenny a fraud as a manager? Both at Liverpool and when he won the league with Blackburn?

I’d say it’s more the case that us fans like to overdramatize, either heavily overrate some we simply have a soft spot for, regardless of them spending almost their entire careers outside the top level (and I don’t know, some flat Earth conspiracies not allowing them to get top jobs, or being too old school to reject big money clubs, yeah right) or underrate some highly or most successful ones who we don’t like for whatever reason (and I think it’s natural to pose questions towards the best in the business, but let’s also acknowledge their quality).


Of course he won the league at Bayern Munich. And some assorted cups. With that team, in that league, it is to be expected.

The challenge for them is winning the CL.

Pep didn’t do it. Flick did. Back to back managers with similar circumstances at the same club for an easy compare/contrast.

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Yeah, when you win 6 CL’s, that’s really something that happens all the time. Two of which are won by Dettmar Cramer in charge of Bayern, who has won 3 trophies at Bayern and in total in his entire career, but never a league title. What do we do with him then, with that math?

Barca won their first in '92. Real didn’t win a single one between '66 and '98. And then another big gap between '02 and '14. The great Kings of Europe. Buffon and Ibra also never won the CL. They also must be frauds, considering the sides they played for.

I’m just going back to back, same club, similar circumstances, two managers… Pep then Flick.

Both won the lot in Germany. As they should have.

One won CL the other fell short.

Anyway, I won’t prolong the discussion on my end any more… you are likely right and Pep is a great manager. But I’m damned if I’m gonna admit that! Not while the team he currently manages are such cheats, which pisses me off enormously, as the era we are in right now, under Klopp, should be a glorious and successful Liverpool era… but we will ‘only’ win half, or less, of what we might have otherwise, due to the crooked set up over there.

Still going be 1 behind the mighty Nottingham Forest even if they win.


Sorry but this Pep love is ridiculous. If we are lauding Pep for winning domestically due to financially doping but continually failing in the CL (until this plastic season from hell) then God knows what sort of pedestal you would be putting the triple CL winner ZZ on - somewhere in another galaxy. Fact remains that for 8? years Pep has taken very strong teams and made them psychologically brittle in European competitions where they have performed consistently worse than before he arrived- yet rather than questioned and fired he gets lauded for playing a dull cynical style where his teams win 5-0 instead of 3-0 and finish 15 points ahead of severely (in comparison) hampered rivals instead of 8 points ahead. Oh and he has a strong enough squad and repeated luck (?) with draws so he can claim another ‘tittle’ that is the league cup.

The man may not be responsible for all his press guff but how he is presented by the media makes him into a fraud.


Doesn’t this rather reinforce the point that success/failure in the Champions League is not the most useful criteria for judging managers?


No, it does not

Ah, well, I’m glad we cleared that up at least.

something GIF


How many count as droves? 0-100???


In their case, 2. More of a drove than droves.

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Shirley its more than 2.
I’ll have it at two and a half: a man and his pregnant partner.

Seems he has an arrogance to match Pep and the other Man City fan


Wants to leave on a high.

Guardiola definitely will.


A coke high?

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