Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

I’ve never understood how some of our fans claim we were extremely lucky in Istanbul. We may have been out-played in periods but I don’t think luck came into it.
O.k, the linesman flagged for offside and then put it down again in the lead up to Smicer’s goal but as you say there was a handball in their penalty area before one of their goals (2nd or 3rd, can’t remember).
I’ve only ever watched the Athens final once, in real time, but it has always been my opinion that we dominated that game far more than they did in Istanbul. Again, they benefitted from a clear handball when Inzaghi deflected the free-kick in off his arm, something you never hear mentioned.
As for Rafa, I just loved the bloke but for me he over-thought things in Athens. Milan were terrified of Crouch and I remember Maldini saying as much in the build-up, maybe Rafa thought they were bullshitting and let it influence his line-up when in reality they were genuinely scared of facing him.


Is that still the case?

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Exactly. I think it was their 3rd goal. Big difference penalty to us and going in at half time 2-1 down. As I said, glad it happened that way.

Rafa did overthink in Athens. We were a better team then as well, Rafa had more time with the players etc but at least it was a final that could have gone either way.

Correct. Agree with you. That’s why I said Klopp was facing a far more difficult decision than Pep. I do think though, that it is generally best to just play players in their positions. Obviously you can tweak tactics but to play Jordan Henderson or Thiago up front would be ridiculous. Which is basically what Pep did no?

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I am not fond of the two clubs either especially Chelsea, especially the Chelsea fans of the 1970s and 80s, who were quite bigoted and thuggish and I had a few unsavoury encounters with them outside of the grounds. The Man City fans seem to be happy with the Emiratie family as they have poured alot of money into the local area and helped the local community in Manchester.
I am not fond of FSG either, as far as I am concerned, they are an upmarket version of the previous owners, who are smarter at marketing themselves, but just as ruthless in running the club as a business, I just tolerate them. However, I can’t think of any owner of a high calibre football club who is perfect. So, I shouldn’t complain too much.

I am talking more like Pep the man and personality. He is a very complex character and a deep thinker of football. He looked so forlorn with his medal. Or am just getting too soft in my old age. I cannot help feeling sorry for the runners up in sport. They work so hard to get the top prize and they just don’t quite get there.


I Abramovich is allowed in the UK on an Israeli passport. He tried to apply for a British passport but it was declined.


It’s called sportswashing Maria, build a successful club, pour money into the community and hope it fools people into not seeing you for what you are…in their case backward, human-right’s abusing scum.

‘Pep’ is many things, including those things you mention. He is also a convicted drugs cheat, a fucking massive hypocrite and on the payroll of a vile, oppressive, human-right’s abusing regime.
I don’t want to seem like I’m having a pop at you because I enjoy your posts but you really shouldn’t be feeling sorry for anyone connected with these disgusting cheats, especially Guardiola, a bloke who has been handed massive advantages in terms of money and resources everywhere he’s been. I hope him feeling forlorn is the story of his career from now on.


Hahahaha, I think you’re getting soft in your old age. Why don’t you say it like it really is instead of tip toeing around the issue.

I can’t understand why anyone can’t see that Pep winning a lot is due to his talent but also a massive leg up from the financial advantage he has/had.

My wife use to get an empathy boost whenever she was pregnant :zipper_mouth_face:

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a bit if a slap in the face for Man City and their fan!

“we all know that Barcelona are the best club in the world,” said Aguero."

**“I think I made a great decision to be here and of course it is a step forward in my career.”


Haha trololololololol

He’s deluded as they haven’t been the best side for a number of years.


Well, you clearly don’t have a fucking clue.


Maybe he meant the best club in Catalonia :upside_down_face:


Is he still getting a statue outside the Etihad?


I doubt it now!

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Ouch!!! :scream::joy::joy::joy::joy::nerd_face:


To be fair, Real/Barca are a jump ahead of basically any other club in Europe. At least it’s like that especially in modern times, combined with the rest of their history.


It’s a relatively recent phenomen for Barca to be considered one of the best clubs in Europe though, right? 4/5 of their CL wins have been since 2006. They weren’t even particularly strong in La Liga until the 90s.


True, that’s why I say in modern times. The Messi era (let’s call it) was/is probably Barca’s golden era. It’s new history, but it’s not like they were a small club before. It’s not only trophies, big players went there before. The whole Clasico rivalry went to a new level with these new times, fight for trophies, Messi v Ronaldo, Pep v Mourinho. Takes time to build, takes time for it to change. We’re still living in this era. Most football people want to go there, I’m not surprised.