Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

You wouldn’t have to play for City so there’s that…


Patrick Roberts to New York City £45M,
Jack Harrison to Melbourne City £45M
cut of the Sancho deal,
easy £100M there


Wow, money laundering in the open and anti-corruption couldn’t do jack shit about it.


Is this actually what they are doing?

Ah no…

Ok but I see what you’ve done there.


Can things get any more obscenely ridiculous than this???


He was joking, they sold Harrison to Leeds for about 12m.

Roberts is struggling to attract interest, he’s never really shine at any of his loan clubs.

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Patrick Roberts was apparently the next big thing about 5 years ago

Yeah, that was actually rather silly of me. No way NY, Melbourne would/could shovel out that kind of money. But the scary truth is, I’m no longer sure of what to NOT believe when it comes to City or similar entities.

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Why not? I hear that their owner might be worth a bob or two. :thinking:

It was a joke, but still, don’t they own these clubs? I think it would be worth to closely watch the ins and outs between the clubs owned by these Abu Dhabi ©°~†s.

I think they own about 8.

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It’s more than. Last I heard was somewhere around 11-12 clubs that they owned

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Yeah, I saw that the joke statement later. I stand corrected. Nevertheless, with so many other clubs in the same organisation, it would not be at all surprising for money laundering in plain sight.

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10 and counting

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Manchester City have lost a ruling by the court of appeal, which confirms that the Premier League is continuing to investigate the champions for alleged breaches of financial fair play, with one of the judges stating part of the club’s argument was “entirely fanciful”.

City’s legal team did not want it reported that it was challenging the jurisdiction of Premier League arbitrators to investigate the case and that it was also fighting a request to disclose documents and information to the panel.

In March 2019 the Premier League said it was investigating City, as Uefa had already done. As with European football’s governing body, the league was interested in leaks to the German publication Der Spiegel that claimed the breach of rules.

(Full article on the link above)

Anybody know if this is likely to go anywhere? @Kopstar?

another smear campaign by the cartel and war-mongers that are FSG

according to those on Blue-Loon

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Here’s the judgment


I scanned the judgment but I’m not really sure what it is saying. Apologies for being partly thick and partly lazy.

I noticed the end part, saying this has been going on since 2018, and Man City have been crowned Premier League Champions twice since then.

Is there any chance they will be called to account? And that the punishment will be weighty?

Such as titles scrubbed from the record?
Points docked?
Massive fines?
Transfer business severely restricted?
Jail for the lot of them?

You know, the absolute determination to obfuscate, obstruct, delay, undermine etc is fucking sickening.

Hoping that the PL throw the book at them and the domestic courts back them up.

Failing to cooperate goes to the heart of upholding the rules. I’d like to think that the PL will have the bollocks to kick them out of the league.