Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

They always think that and act like that until the PL accountants in the row behind whisper that it would be sore one financially and they shit themselves.

Italy is basically the only league that punishes corrupt clubs significantly, no matter how famous or historically important they are.


Why should it be a financial problem for the PL? Or are you suggesting that shiteh bung the league the odd million in used readies? :astonished:

Interesting how this isn’t reported on the BBC…


Because the PL are there to make money, so removing one of the teams made up of world stars, Pep, and barrels of cash, would cost them money; by way of the product being less competitive. But yeah bungs help.

The biggest issue is after covid, football is even more vulnerable to City/PSG exploiting their financial doping.

It is quite clear that in Spain Barca and Madrid are not going to be the powerhouses that have been for the last 2 decades. Last year Barca spent 579M pound on wages, Madrid 553M. To meet the salary cap this needs to be reduced to 160M. (basically a quarter of what they were paying before).

Ourselves and most of the other big clubs actually run like a business have taken a huge financial hit over the last season and a half. No way are we spending 75M like we did on VvD.

Qatar/Abu Dhabi will obviously looking at this as their time to exploit the situation. Win the CL they have so desperately want.


just a microism of society really.


But City are neither, so no reason for them to not be punished


Just saw that in March Man City reduced/are planning to reduce their stadium capacity by just over 1000 seats for extra advertising space. Guess if you can’t fill it with fans, you can fill it with self advertisement through Etihad and various other self sponsorship deals.

Let them take advantage and exploit the situation, it will only come back to bite them on the ass.

While the rest of the football world cut their cloth accordingly, psg and City will continue as if nothing has happened, surely this will be enough to prove what we all know that they are guilty of financial dopping.

Clubs across Europe will begin asking questions of UEFA.

The revelation will be sweet

The problem is that in football the regulator whether FA or UEFA or FIFA is also a business. That never works…massive conflict of interest. I don’t know where the accountability would come from. At best there would be a rap on the knuckles and the gravy train rolls on.

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Since the rules have already been blatantly disregarded, and enforcement not upheld, and Man City won the court case… I am not expecting any significant sort of censure or punishment.

It is the problem with cheats. When they get away with it, ultimately it wears you down and things that were previously outrageous almost become part of the new way business is done. At that point the wider world gives it a minor shoulder shrug, almost saying “whaddaya gonna do’, while the outraged/in the know people become more of a fringe minority.

It feels like we are already at that point with Man City.

Hopefully someone, somewhere in authority, proves me wrong.

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That isn’t true.

The case was dismissed on a technicality due to UEFA’s time limitation. CAS actually said they were quilty but UEFA couldn’t punish them due to the time limit in which the punishment could be handed out had passed


I would like to think that the pressure put on UEFA by Europes tops clubs who arent cheating or by the FAs of various countries, who believe their members are been cheated out of winning championships, will force UEFA to do something about Man City and there total disregard for the rules

I think that’s especially true now the top teams in Spain and Italy are fucked.

As @aussielad has already pointed out CAS found that UEFA waited too long to prosecute, otherwise their sanction would have been upheld. Bullshit majority decision by CAS but anyway.

This matter concerns different rules, under the jurisdiction of a different body, without that 5 year limitation period that tripped up UEFA.


The man in charge of the entity solely responsible for negotiating with UEFA on behalf of the clubs is the owner of PSG. It aint happening.


Someone precis it for me…

Pep was crying poor just days ago but they’re about to splash one-fiddy on Arry…what am I missing??

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That massive line of chalk he demolished just before the reporters turned up