Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

They’re skint because the cocaine bill is 10x higher than the wage bill.

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Been thinking. City will need to let some go if they bring in grealish and Kane.
I think mahrez is better than jack yet he’d probably leave along with silva and Sterling.
Two from those 3 will go

They are skint because their wage bill is actually 10x higher than what they report. :eyes:

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But when Aguero was better than Kane they still didn’t win the CL. Kanes (thus far) are perennial finals loser (unless you count the Audi Cup).

They will be the same as every year. Easy draws in domestic cups, a title challenge, failure in the CL.

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Ummm…I think the point is that they’re not skint. They just can’t properly account for where they get all their fucking money (we know where). As such, they need to obfuscate.


Fraudiola 10years into his retirement days…
Still singing the same old song :0)

£100m for a relatively anonymous player like Grealish… :no_mouth: :roll_eyes: :grimacing: :cold_face: The world has gone mad because of those disgusting sheiks.

Good for Villa though, they are now financially secure for at least the next ten years if reasonable.

Villa have fairly wealthy owners themselves so don’t really need to sell to balance their books.

I assume they’re just about to announce another new UAE based sponsorship deal then.

Honestly pisses me off that UEFA and the FA are toothless on this. Cant see the wood for the trees.


Grealish is a good player. No point pretending otherwise. Shows for the ball, dribbles and tries to make stuff happen in the final third. The price is ridiculous and would be bad business for us, but it is a function of his value to Aston Villa and Abu Dhabi’s deep pockets.

He isn’t better than some of what they already have, but the point is he rotates in and out with what they have, seamlessly, making them less susceptible to the vagaries of form and injuries over the course of a season. It’s why they are so hard to beat to the title, as a conveyor belt of talent over the course of a season will rack up 100 pts or close, as we have seen.

As for the CL that is a tougher nut to crack for Man City, as they can’t game the system to the extent they can in the Prem. Yes, they will play at a canter and get to the quarter final barely breaking a sweat. The cheating bastards. But then what? That’s the crucial stage of the competition.

Usually in the last eight in Europe, on a given day anyone can beat anyone. So to win it Man City will need to prevail in three games where the match up will be close, and the other team will fancy their chances and have their own plus points going for them.

To date, Man City have shown they don’t have the bottle for it, and long may it continue.


Excellent summation of the situation.

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This is the thing. The pandemic has fucked every club on the planet. Every club has lost millions.
Apart from these cheating cunts. They must have thrived over the past 16 months, raking in tens of millions through gate receipts, corporate hospitality and merchandise.
The failure of UEFA to bring this vile, disgusting organisation to book will eventually destroy the game as a meaningful contest.


This is the future. How football has evolved from the peoples game to a corporate plaything.

When we were hammering each other in “that thread” on TIA, I recall saying that Liverpool had to be at the top of their game constantly in order to stay competitive. Thats how we won the PL.
I attributed that comment to the level of unfairness suffered by Liverpool in comparison with City, Utd etc…and I still hold that as true. However that is another debate…

But the premise is the same regarding FFP. Liverpool were hammered by Villa last season, an aberration or at the very least a wake up…then there was a fairly decent run…but it couldn’t be sustained because of the major injuries suffered. No multi million pound replacements…so we suffered and City win the league.
Because they can replace like with like all over the pitch. Laporte for Stones? We had a midfielder at CB…

They can buy Grealish and Kane to add to Jesus, Foden, Mahrez, Sterling etc and UEFA and PL look stupidly inept. There was a time when fairness was the measure, now its corrupt and nasty.
Think about the CL last four last season…
Because of Pickford, England national team, circumstances…Liverpool were out…
Last four was a decision of who I hated least…
Football is fucked and the people responsible for keeping it right are implicit in its demise.

Happy Monday.

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What bugs me most I think is that it’s in plain sight. Everyone knows, and everyone can see it. It’s so blatantly obvious what they are doing and it is allowed to carry on, or I should say they (as in UEFA and maybe the PL) appear to be powerless against it despite it being against the very rules they have put in place.

Still I guess its fun watching them try to make themselves look like a big, well supported club.


Arry hasn’t shown up for training.

I am quite surprised as I thought there was a bit more about him than that.

I fucking hate footballers. Wankers mun


We’ll still win the league, and that makes it even sweeter.


Would be most amusing if City went full Spurs.

It looks like they see themselves as untouchable when it comes to spending whatever they want after the cas judgement. FFP doesn’t effect Man City anymore. Before the cas judgement they didn’t dare spend on the levels they look like doing this season. Going for the media darling to try and make their shit reputation look better.

Nah, that’s not enough of a drop.

I’d love to see them do a Leeds and drop down to League 1 where they belong


No argument but I honestly p*** myself if Harry Kane joins them only to find himself back in the same boat he’s just jumped from.