Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Something to do with this guy…


It’s been six months and still no word - I don’t deserve it?
I know you understood my last two letters, I wrote the grammar in 'em perfect…

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Ban him @ISMF

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Part of the first post in their post match thread: “KDB looks a shell of a player. We need to seriously think about replacing him.”


Whoever did it, I love the asterisk! :joy:

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But wait, I have a better one!

Is there a word for when you repeatedly alternate between the ultimate laugh and utter disbelief?


Em dash the size of a capital M, can be constructed using two hyphens, common to see nowadays. En dash, the size of a capital N, not as common to see. This one is mostly mixed up with a hyphen, which is very common to see. The Em dash is supposed to contain extra information and examples and can replace parenthesis or longer punctuation marks—Australians wrecking the language to my mind. :joy:

For a thesis it seems informal to me, but I’m probably on the CoG side of the fence and these hipsters just seem to write what they like today!

haha. I do love using but it’s certainly not an ‘Australian’ habit: more something picked up from historians - and oxbridge types - as a rebellion against the oxford comma.

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Kettle calling pot …me thinks…

Absolutely. Just sticking a cheap Aussie jab in there for SBYM, who is the up-to-date boss on all this with his thesis.

I may be wrong, but I’m guessing his thesis was from the last millennia. He’s probabyl more ‘up-to-date boss’ on what pipe goes with which slippers…

There were a couple of moments yesterday when three or four Cheaty cunts were running behind the play with their arms aloft, expecting a whistle that never came.

It was the highlight of the match, for mine.

Submitted in 2017, thank you very much.

I do actually own a pipe, though, and as a true Aussie, my chosen footwear is a pair of Uggs.


Wore my uggs tonight for the first time since last winter as we had a cool change (just 24C today!) and I spent the evening on a zoom call banished out to a cold polished concrete floor in our studio. Upon return, when saying goodnight to one of my 7 year olds, I got told ‘I was rockin’ the Uggs’. Hate to see what sort of fashion the poor bastard grows up to embrace!

They are so fucking comfortable.

Getting back to Guardiola’s rant about fixture congestion, I wonder what he would have done in the olden days?

Over the Easter weekend in 1964, teams played three games in four days. We beat Spurs 3-1 away on Good Friday, courtesy of a Roger Hunt hat trick, and then defeated Leicester 2-0 (Hunt and Arrowsmith) at Filbert Street the very next day. After a rest on Sunday, we faced Tottenham again at Anfield on Easter Monday and repeated the 3-1 (St John x2 and Arrowsmith) scoreline.

Remember that this was before the days of extensive squads and substitutions were not a thing at the time. Ten players played in all three games: Lawrence, Byrne, Moran, Milne, Stevenson, Callaghan, Hunt, St John, Arrowsmith and Thompson. Chris Lawler played the first two but was replaced by Ron Yeats in the third game.

Such a situation would probably have Guardiola pulling his hair out… if he had any.


Don’t have to go massively back in time to having 2 over the Easter weekend.

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To be fair, back then they had mid-half smoke breaks.

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I’m sure Guardiola has something at half time. Probably not a fag, though.

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Lines Coke GIF