Premier League 2020/21 (Part 2)

This might go under the radar,but it is a brilliant post.

BTW this post hurt me. It reminded me of better times in the sunshine when The Reds became World Champions.

It’s still a brilliant post though. :nerd_face:


It will be frustrating if Manures are not penalized beyond just a fine or warning. A points deduction will be beneficial from the PL perspective to ensure that fans planning to do the same for their club will hit their club directly where it hurts. For me, protesting outside the stadium is fine, but to rush and breached a secure location, alot without masks during a pandemic, and forcing stewards and stadium staff who were not supposed to come in contact with fans, putting their own health at risks, this is deplorable or will this kind of action be put on a pedestal and be framed as “all noble causes would have to have some sacrifices”. Whoever breached the stadium and could be identified need to be dealt by the law and sent to prison.

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A points deduction would not be fair unless the authorities can prove that Man Utd employees are complicit to this breach. If the tables are turned and have points deducted, we will be crying blue murder.

The best solution would be to identify the main culprits and let the law deal with them.

Of course, as a selfish Liverpool fan, I hope Man Utd get the worst punishment available.


In a totally selfish way I hope we are awarded the result, the season is a farce anyhow so who cares.


At least that way there wouldn’t be another awful game to watch.


I think that’s WBA gone, really going be a dull last few games


Fulham to join soon.

I think Fatty can deserve some credit for keeping them limping till this far.

what a stupid foul by the defender on Wood. just step in front of him FFS.

Pen all day. Fantastic effort by Wood to keep that alive.

it was a pen, but didn’t need to be. Wood has some talent, if I wasn’t gunshy about target men up front by the likes of Carrol, Lambert, etc…I’d be interested in seeing what he could do for us.

Agreed on that. It was a really lazy and stupid decision by Soucek. Just panicked and crashed into him.

Wow and just like that. Antonio levels. What in the hell was Lowton doing?

kinda need Burnley to figure their shit out. really not playing well.

Lazy defending from Burnley. West Ham likely should’ve had a 3rd. On that second goal I think Benrahma’s cross was going in whether Antonio touches it or not.

if there was ever a time I hope that Jay Rodriguez would show up to play…

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LOL!!! ball drops to Rodriguez’ feet from 4yds out…blows it wide. FFS

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Antonio is one of the hardest working forwards in the league. Absolute non stop and high level work rate from him. I’ve said this all year but it bears repeating, Moyseh is doing some job with the Hammers. I’m genuinely happy for them.

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Why do I feel once the fans are back it will all go to shit?


Fortunately, for them, there wouldn’t be many games this season after the fans return.

Yup I’m meaning next season, I think there are few other teams this could be an issue.

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