Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Bowen looks like a real prospect. He should really think about his future though. Working with Klopp is way better than working with Moyes.

Declan Rice is probably the best player surrounded by fucking shit bar for Bowen. Would be a more than adequate replacement for Fabinho and Henderson.

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French tv says it was checked and validated.

Can see Utd breaking the bank for him in the summer.

Can’t believe Cavani was not offsides there…

Yes, he is quite a player. His age range is also very appealing as well. By 2024, I believe Declan Rice will either be in another club or simply refuses to sign a new contract.

Again, let’s just accept that England’s refereeing standards are fucking low and inconsistent. If there is no English referees at any key stages of any competition, I will gladly accept it.


Of course, they play according to the Old Whiskey nose rules at Old Trafford.

Apparently he was???according to BBC sport team…

Results have gone down since lunch time


Hoping for a pick me up in the last game - via a better than Messi free kick (or 5)…

Saints score

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Southampton 1-0

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I need to stay away from the forums for a while, don’t want to get my hopes up prematurely…

up to something plotting GIF

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In the words of ‘meldrew’ I don’t bloody believe it…been making tea…and look what happens…

Damn, too early to score.

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And thus the tension begins…

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This is not the mental image of you I had.

I like the new you.

A spiteful heart is prematurely ageing, but fuck me its fun.


I can’t watch their (City) games full stop. It’s like torture.