Premier League 2021/22 (Part 1)

Handbags getting ruffled…

No wonder the blues are so angry having to watch Iwobi every week.


Yeah but I don’t look too much into the run ins, that’s just for people to read on paper…our record speaks for itself.

We lost to Leicester who are awful yet smashed Utd 5-0…if we’re up for the game and play min 80% to our game we can blow anyone away.

The tons r running out of steam…

Yeah, but football has a habit of not working out that way. I’m glad we’re putting pressure on City, but saying “it’s ours to lose” is silly. We’d still be looking for City to drop points along the way, because there’s a very low likelihood of us taking maximum points for the remainder of the league season.


But to say it’d be a miracle for us to win it from here (should City fail to win today) couldn’t be more far fetched either.

& that free kick was a very decent attempt from Gordon.

30% of the season yet to be played.

A lot can happen.

To come back from a 12-point deficit against easily the best team in the world? Yes, that would be a miracle.

It’s the bitters. Don’t count on them holding on for a draw here.

Although I did mention that I’ll refrain from calling fwank any names if he makes his second oil club lose points.


In what sense are they easily better than us?

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I’d say their success over the past 5 years, their general results, their squad, resources, etc.

A simple metric like Elo rating would also show them to be better than we are, though in fairness, it’s probably closer than “easily”. We’re the closest to them I’d say, but we’re still probably just half a level below them on a long-term outlook basis. Would fancy us to beat them over one or two games, but they have a way of stringing long runs of wins together that we just can’t seem to do consistently.

If they drop points here against The Ev, they’d still be favorites for the league and rightly so. We’ll be closer, our chances will increase, but it wouldn’t be “ours to lose”, as that would mean if we go on to not win the league, we will have “bottled it”, which isn’t remotely the case IMO.

Can’t blame him really, not having a good day today :rofl:

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City under Pep are playing the ‘best’ football. Very effective and successful. But they are like robots. Team has no personality. Mentally weak.

Klopp not joking when he says they are the best team in the world.

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Lillo looks like me when I’m off my tits, pretending I’m following the conversation.

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30 mins more. Can The Ev hold their nerve?

Can they shite…

Still can’t stand that Pickford…

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Fuck off.


Everton just sitting back and inviting City forward. Really fucking stupid. Pickford has saved everything so far but it’s not sustainable.

But just imagine how hard you’ll be when Everton’s one shot on target for the half goes in.

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