Premier League 2024/25 (Part 1)

That is why the NFL players are fed up with it. It is not exactly unusual to wander out of a postgame shower naked. But with the arrival of women as sports journalists, not allowing them access to the locker room systematically disadvantages them. So players have to shower, then emerge sufficiently covered to be interviewed in mixed company (and are fined/sanctioned for failure to do so), then when all the journalists are done they can actually just get dressed in their own change room. If they want to get out quickly, they need to grab clothing and get changed elsewhere.

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I really hope not tut tut

Pretty sure in the Ligue 1 in France, they already have half-time interviews of players.

It’s pretty fucked up, I’d rather they concentrate on football then spout insightless platitudes.


I’d actually like a TV coverage that could reproduce, as closely as possible, the match day experience. No commentary; single panning camera from the centre of the Main Stand; full stadium noise, including the tannoy and George Sephton; no action replays.

The problem is that the sports TV audience have been primed to expect something between a PlayStation game and a chatshow.


As long as it doesn’t include the torrents of piss that used to flow into the boys’ pen.


Yeah I don’t understand that.

My favourite feature from the Prime games has been the ability to disable commentary and just listen to crowd noise.

If they want to do the whole videogame experience, give viewers the ability to view either the default feed, or just particular camera angles.


Yeah, I understand bladder control issues can become a problem as you get older. Were they sympathetic about it at least?


I remember my first time at Anfield as a kid after a goal was scored and expecting to see an action replay . :grinning:


I expect these days you will get people searching on their mobiles to find the footage.

That reminds me. When was the last time you saw the scores from the other matches displayed along the letters at the side of the pitch?


Palmer proving that, contrary to every media appearance he makes, he’s actually the smartest player on the team.


All shit ideas.


Imagine my surprise.

We have Girona in the Champions League on the following Tuesday.

While the 12:30 kickoff against Everton isn’t ideal, a Sunday fixture would have been even worse.


Considering it’s Everton and Dyche, am I the only one who would rather leave players like Jota, Salah, and KonatĂ© out of this just in case those thugs try something?

Everton are playing the same night as us.

You’re right, they are. Their game was originally on the Tuesday, hence my post back in the summer, but it’s been moved to the Wednesday because they play Man U away on the Sunday because Utd play in Europe on the Thursday!


Probably would have moved it anyhow. Noted Amazon seem to try and do that. It’s why their Tuesday selection is usually a bit dire.

Finally starting to see glimpses of what Lopategui brings to West Ham

Paqueta directly responsible for two goals conceded by WH

Amazon have all the PL games on