Premier League 2024/25 (Part 1)

If this result some how stands (or :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: gets even better) and we beat Southampton. Then the table will look alarmingly sexy…


Offside anyway

Beluga Boy to lose his rag 2nd half - A red would be ideal for us


That was light years offside

No league goals between the 3 attacking players behind Halaand, that’s wild.

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Rodri’s worth becoming clearer with every second of his absence.

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Before Grav came along.

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That’s Theeee Grav to you

Very bad pass to Haaland there. He was running to death the Tottenham defenders there and would likely have scored there if the ball had arrived in front of him. City looks a bit fuzzed, or maybe rattled. Timing off now.

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The Jiro.

The GravenBEAST

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The dark arts of Rodri is what they are missing… He is a cheating bastard


You saw Haaland running? When!

Haaland doesn’t run, he skips.

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He runs faster than most players. Almost no defenders can catch him.

They really need Coote back if Rodri doesn’t make it back.


They don’t want to. He’s hideous


I think his hair makes you think he’s faster than he is

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He is a double-bagger centre forward :0)

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Both are cheats to put it decent :wink:

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