Premier League 2024/25 (Part 1)

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes. :astonished:

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Will finish 1-3 now. Fulham been pretry crap so far.
Smith rowe whose been playing well hasnt turned up for this one…:thinking:

If Fulham get to 65’ at 1-1 I think they’ll knick it. They need to weather the next 8 mins

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We’re in a title race with a set piece team, what has football become.


I think Arsenal have scored six of their last eight PL goals via dead balls

Peirera, forgot about that cunt. He’s in my list of top 5 dickheads in the PL

Even Saka realizes he shouldn’t dive there, which is saying something

Fulham have actually defended really well, Leno still hasn’t had a thing to do.

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Need to start doing something on the other end soon


I’m relieved we’ve reached the 65th minute because @KY_TNRed is now on the hook

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Corner Arsenal…

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I refuse to watch

Fulham’s strategy on set prices seems to be to rest

How fucking hard is it to defend a fucking corner man, you know where the ball is going to drop…congest the area. When you see the ball about the drop, JUMP. Get a little physical if you need to to stop your man getting free. It’s not difficult.

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Dive you fucking cunt

Oh, Bassey suspended against us. I’ll take that.


Iwobi, stop whining like Bruno and cut off that free kick

Basey out for our fixture

Shirley not? :thinking:


Arses sour faced little shite…heads for the pen area…and dives…see it written on his face

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